HPS Campaign Chancellorsville Scenario List

HPS Campaign ChancellorsvilleI recently noticed someone had searched for “Campaign Chancellorsville Scenario List” here at TOCWOC – A Civil War Blog and I thought it’d be a good idea to provide that information for those looking for it.  After the typical historical and variant scenarios in Campaign Chancellorsville, 85 in all, there are also weather variants, scenarios which use spring graphics, and many “AI Challenge” scenarios specifically suited to playing versus the computer.  This is going to be a LONG post so the majority of it will be below the fold, so to speak.  Here’s the complete list of scenarios you can find in Campaign Chancellorsville:

000C_Getting Started: This scenario is designed to be played while reading the Getting Started help file. It will introduce the game engine features used in Campaign Chancellorsville.  The situation is a “What if” attack upon  a Union position near Chancellorsville.  The Union postion, held by Couch’s 2nd Corps, is under attack by Confederate forces under the command Major General Richard Anderson.  The objective is to drive off or capture the Union artillery directly in front of Anderson’s Division and astride the road leading to the rear of the Union army.

001F_Nov 1st_Cav: (WHAT IF)  The Union army’s approach toward Fredericksburg was screened by 4,000 cavalrymen with horse artillery in support.  General Lee has ordered JEB Stuart to watch for this screen and report the enemies movement.  This information would become critical to the successful defense of this part of Virginia.

002F_Nov 19th_Meeting Engagement:  (MEETING ENGAGEMENT)  **All sectional artillery**   By late November, it had become clear to both armies that the town of Fredericksburg would soon become the focal point for a Union drive into Virginia.  Both Lee and Burnside were determined to hold the town.  If caught by surprise, Lee’s army could be defeated in detail.  But if Burnside acted too rashly, his army might also be defeated in detail.  So skill of movement will need to be employed for either army to succeed.  Though the Union will have superior numbers, they won’t be fully engaged until the late morning of the second day.  Until that ime, both armies will be roughly equal.  The first task for the Union army will be to build the pontoon bridges across the Rappahanock and establish a bridgehead.  The minimum strengh for infantry to cross is 225.  Please read rules regarding brigdes. Total forces:  USA-111,380   CSA-81,343

003F_Nov 21th 6am: (WHAT IF) **Rebs with Consolidated Batteries**  Burnside’s Right Grand Division arrived opposite the city of Fredericksburg, but was not allowed to take the city.  Burnside insisted on waiting for the Pontoon bridges.  Lee, was convinced that Burnside had already taken Fredericksburg and was moving toward Richmond.  When he learned that Burnside was delayed, Lee immediately decided to move all forces to the defense of the city.  This scenario will assume the pontoons have arrived and that Burnside will soon cross to engage Lee.  The Union must cross the river, take the city and drive Lee off the heights before Hood’s and Anderson’s division arrive from Spotsylavania Court House.  (Additional repairs to the pontoon bridges will be needed to allow leaders and artillery to cross- read user manual concerning bridges)

004F_Nov 21th 6am V.1: (WHAT IF) **All sectional artillery**  Burnside’s Right Grand Division arrived opposite the city of Fredericksburg, but was not allowed to take the city.  Burnside insisted on waiting for the Pontoon bridges.  Lee, was convinced that Burnside had already taken Fredericksburg and was moving toward Richmond.  When he learned that Burnside was delayed, Lee immediately decided to move all forces to the defense of the city.  This scenario will assume the pontoons have arrived and that Burnside will soon cross to engage Lee.  The Union must cross the river, take the city and drive Lee off the heights before Hood’s and Anderson’s division arrive from Spotsylavania Court House. (Additional repairs to the pontoon bridges will be needed to allow leaders and artillery to cross- read user manual concerning bridges)

005F_City: (HISTORICAL)  The fight for Fredericksburg.  This scenario starts with elements of the 7th Michigan ready for a river crossing.  The rest of Hall’s and Owen’s brigade await the completion of the pontoon bridge.  Only those Union units that participated in this initial crossing and Confederate defenders are represented on the map.  Also, for this particular scenario, the regiments have been divided into “A” and “B” battalions.  Both the 7th Michigan “A” and the 89th New York “A” have been equiped with boats, should you decide to make the historic river crossing.  (TO COMPLETE THE PONTOON BRIDGES, UNITS MUST BE NEXT TO THE BRIDGE AND IN COLUMN.  BE SURE TO TOGGLE THE BRIDGE REPAIR FEATURE UNDER THE “Command” POP DOWN WINDOW. Please read the users manual concerning “Bridge Repair”)

006F_City V.1: (HISTORICAL)  **Victory Points are given only for objective hexes** The fight for Fredericksburg.  This scenario starts with elements of the 7th Michigan ready for a river crossing.  The rest of Hall’s and Owen’s brigade await the completion of the pontoon bridge.  Only those Union units that participated in this initial crossing and Confederate defenders are represented on the map.  Also, for this particular scenario, the regiments have been divided into “A” and “B” battalions.  Both the 7th Michigan “A” and the 89th New York “A” have been equiped with boats, should you decide to make the historic river crossing.  (TO COMPLETE THE PONTOON BRIDGES, UNITS MUST BE NEXT TO THE BRIDGE AND IN COLUMN.  BE SURE TO TOGGLE THE BRIDGE REPAIR FEATURE UNDER THE “Command” POP DOWN WINDOW. Please read the users manual concerning “Bridge Repair”)

007F_City V.2: (WHAT IF)  This variant establishes the Union bridgehead. Cobbs Brigade and two Confederate batteries have been included to reinforce Barksdale’s embattled city defenders. The victory conditions are the same as V.1.  The Union must clear the town.

008F_Dec 13th 6am: (HISTORICAL) After a delay at the river bank, Burnside finally prepares his army for the attack against Lee’s fortified position on Marye’s Heights.  Lee’s outnumbered army stands ready to use his superior defensive position to make this day a costly one for the boys in blue.

009F_Dec 13th 6am V.1: (HISTORICAL) **Consolidated rebel artillery** After a delay at the river bank, Burnside finally prepares his army for the attack against Lee’s fortified position on Marye’s Heights.  Lee’s outnumbered army stands ready to use his superior defensive position the make this day a costly one for the boys in blue.

010F_Dec 13th 6am V.2: (HISTORICAL)  **All sectional artillery**  After a delay at the river bank, Burnside finally prepares his army for the attack against Lee’s fortified position on Marye’s Heights.  Lee’s outnumbered army stands ready to use his superior defensive position to make this day a costly one for the boys in blue.

011F_Dec 13th 6am V.3: (HISTORICAL)   The variation of the Dec 13th 6am sceanrio Concentrates on the Union attack from Fredericksburg upon Marye’s Height.

012F_Dec 13th 6am Small Map: (HISTORICAL)   The variation of the Dec 13th 6am sceanrio uses a more compact map for easier map navigation.

013F_Meade and Gibbon attack: (HISTORICAL)  Meade continues his attack with Gibbon attacking Lane’s Confederates.

014F_Meade and Gibbon attack V.1: (HISTORICAL)  ** All sectional artillery** Meade continues his attack with Gibbon attacking Lane’s confederates.

015F_Meade and Gibbon attack V.2: (HISTORICAL)  **Consolidated rebel artillery**   Meade continues his attack with Gibbon attacking Lane.

016F_Meade’s Assualt_Center and Right: (HISTORICAL)  Meade launches his attack on A.P. Hill’s position across the R.F., & P. Railroad.

017F_Meade’s Assualt_Center and Right V.1: (HISTORICAL)  ** All sectional artillery**  Meade launches his attack on A.P. Hill’s position across the R.F., & P. Railroad.

018F_March 17th Kelly’s Ford: (HISTORICAL)  During the early months of 1863, JEB Stuart’s cavalry troopers were attacking union positions across the Rappahannock.  Hooker was tired of these attacks and ordered that that cease.  That task was assigned to General William Averell.  His 3,000 cavalrymen and 6 3inch ordinance guns were ready to cross and surprise Confederate General Fitzhugh Lee’s raiders.  Averell chose March 17th as his day of battle.  Not knowing the Confederates strength, he moved cautiously.  Watching the battle, but not leading the men, was Jeb Stuart himself.  This scenario will start with a Confederate Major Victory.  The Union must attack hard, but an exit hex (0,5) will force the Confederates to stay and fight.

019F_March 17th Kelly’s Ford V.1: (WHAT IF)  **This variant increases the Confederate strength and adds Confederate artillery.  Victory conditions have been adjusted, and the exit hex has been removed**  During the early months of 1863, JEB Stuart’s cavalry troopers were attacking union positions across the Rappahannock.  Hooker was tired of these attacks and ordered that that cease.  That task was assigned to General William Averell.  His 3,000 cavalrymen and 6 3inch ordinance guns were ready to cross and surprise Confederate General Fitzhugh Lee’s raiders.  Averell chose March 17th as his day of battle.  Not knowing the Confederates strength, he moved cautiously.  Watching the battle, but not leading the men, was Jeb Stuart himself.

020C_A Concentration of Confederates: (WHAT IF)  April Fool’s day in Virginia.  Lee has ordered the concentration of his army to face the Union army.  This scenario will include both Pickett’s and Hood’s divisions, and JEB Stuart’s cavalry.

021C_April 29th: (WHAT IF-MEETING ENGAGEMENT)  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

022C_April 30th: (HISTORICAL) **Rebels start unfixed with consolidated batteries, Union with variable release times**  Hooker’s plan to trap Lee was well started, but by late evening April 29th, JEB Stuart’s cavalry screen had at last determined that several Corps of Hooker’s army was attempting a flanking rear attack against Lee’s army at Fredericksburg.  Lee’s most western located division was Anderson’s division.  Lee ordered Anderson to block the Union advance from Chancellorsville to Fredericksburg.  Only three brigades was readily available to block Hooker’s three advancing Corps.  However, Lee soon ordered the greater portion of his army to march toward Chancellorsville.  Speed will greatly determine victory in this fast approaching battle.  (1st Corps will start unfixed as well as that portion on 6th Corps on the west bank of the river) Various locations have unfinished pontoon birdges.

023C_April 30th V.1: (HISTORICAL) **Consolidated rebel artillery, this scenario is a 2 day variant and uses historical release times for both rebel and Union units. Some units are slightly positioned differently. **  Hooker’s plan to trap Lee was well started, but by late evening April 29th, JEB Stuart’s cavalry screen had at last determined that several Corps of Hooker’s army was attempting a flanking rear attack against Lee’s army at Fredericksburg.  Lee’s most western located division was Anderson’s division.  Lee ordered Anderson to block the Union advance from Chancellorsville to Fredericksburg.  Only three brigades was readily available to block Hooker’s three advancing Corps.  However, Lee soon ordered the greater portion of his army to march toward Chancellorsville.  Speed will greatly determine victory in this fast approaching battle.

024C_April 30th V.2: (HISTORICAL)  **Consolidated rebel artillery. This variant starts with no fixed units** Hooker’s plan to trap Lee was well started, but by late evening April 29th, JEB Stuart’s cavalry screen had at last determined that several Corps of Hooker’s army was attempting a flanking rear attack against Lee’s army at Fredericksburg.  Lee’s most western located division was Anderson’s division.  Lee ordered Anderson to block the Union advance from Chancellorsville to Fredericksburg.  Only three brigades was readily available to block Hooker’s three advancing Corps.  However, Lee soon ordered the greater portion of his army to march toward Chancellorsville.  Speed will greatly determine victory in this fast approaching battle.  (1st Corps will start unfixed as well as that portion on 6th Corps on the west bank of the river) Various locations have unfinished pontoon birdges.

025C_April 30th V.3: (HISTORICAL) **All sectional artillery, Rebels start unfixed, Union with variable release times**  Hooker’s plan to trap Lee was well started, but by late evening April 29th, JEB Stuart’s cavalry screen had at last determined that several Corps of Hooker’s army was attempting a flanking rear attack against Lee’s army at Fredericksburg.  Lee’s most western located division was Anderson’s division.  Lee ordered Anderson to block the Union advance from Chancellorsville to Fredericksburg.  Only three brigades was readily available to block Hooker’s three advancing Corps.  However, Lee soon ordered the greater portion of his army to march toward Chancellorsville.  Speed will greatly determine victory in this fast approaching battle.  (1st Corps will start unfixed as well as that portion on 6th Corps on the west bank of the river) Various locations have unfinished pontoon birdges.

026C_May 1st-May3rd: (HISTORICAL)  **Full 3 day battle with consolidated artillery**  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

027C_May 1st-May3rd V.1: (WHAT IF)  This variation includes the early arrival of Early’s Division.

028C_May 1st-May 4th: (WHAT IF)  This variation includes the early arrival of Early’s Division and extend through to the end of May 4th.

029C_May 1st 11am: (HISTORICAL)  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

030C_May 1st 11am V.1: (WHAT IF) **This scenario will fix all Union units except Meade’s 5th Corps (2nd Division) and Slocum’s 12th Corps.**  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

031C_May 1st 11am V.2: (WHAT IF) **This scenario uses consolidated rebel batteries and will fix all Union units except Meade’s 5th Corps (2nd Division) and Slocum’s 12th Corps.**  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

032C_May 1st 11am V.3: (WHAT IF) **All sectional artillery, this scenario will fix all Union units except Meade’s 5th Corps (2nd Division) and Slocum’s 12th Corps.**  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

033C_May 1st 11am V.4: (WHAT IF) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Candy’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad.

034C_May 1st 11am V.5: (WHAT IF) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Candy’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad. Hancock’s 1st division from 2nd Corps has been moved closer to fill the gap between 3rd Brigade 1st Division 12th Corps  and 3rd Brigade 2nd Division 6th Corps. Also, 5th New York has been moved into contact with brigade HQ.

035C_May 1st 11am V.6: (WHAT IF) Wilcox is unfixed, and all the brigades of Anderson’s Division were moved to the extreme right.  McLaws’ Division has been consolidated in the center.

036C_May 1st 11am V.7: (WHAT IF) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Kane’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad. Wilcox is unfixed, and all the brigades of Anderson’s Division were moved to the extreme right.  McLaws’ Division has been consolidated in the center.

037C_May 1st 11am V.8: (WHAT IF) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Kane’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad. Hancock’s 1st division from 2nd Corps has been moved closer to fill the gap between 3rd Brigade 1st Division 12th Corps  and 3rd Brigade 2nd Division 6th Corps. Also, 5th New York has been moved into contact with brigade HQ. Wilcox is unfixed, and all the brigades of Anderson’s Division were moved to the extreme right.  McLaws’ Division has been consolidated in the center.

038C_May 1st 11am V.9: (WHAT IF) All brigades of Anderson’s Division has been moved to the extreme left.

039C_May 1st 11am V.10: (WHAT IF) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Kane’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad. All brigades of Anderson’s Division has been moved to the extreme left.

040C_May 1st 11am V.11: (WHAT IF) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Kane’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad. Hancock’s 1st division from 2nd Corps has been moved closer to fill the gap between 3rd Brigade 1st Division 12th Corps  and 3rd Brigade 2nd Division 6th Corps. Also, 5th New York has been moved into contact with brigade HQ. All brigades of Anderson’s Division has been moved to the extreme left.

041C_May 1st 11am Small Map: (HISTORICAL)  On the first official day of battle, the Union 12th, 2nd, and 5th Corps face Lee’s advance divisions of Anderson, Rodes and Mclaws.

042C_May 1st 11am Small Map V.1: (HISTORICAL)  **All sectional artillery**  On the first official day of battle, the Union 12th, 2nd, and 5th Corps face Lee’s advance divisions of Anderson, Rodes and Mclaws.

043C_May 1st 11am Small Map V.2: (HISTORICAL)  **Consolidated rebel batteries**  On the first official day of battle, the Union 12th, 2nd, and 5th Corps face Lee’s advance divisions of Anderson, Rodes and Mclaws.

044C_May 1st 2pm: (HISTORICAL)  Sykes 2nd Division has been broken and retreats back toward Chancellorsville.  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

045C_May 1st 2pm V.1: (HISTORICAL) **Uses Consolidated Rebels Guns** Sykes 2nd Division has been broken and retreats back toward Chancellorsville.  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

046C_May 1st 2pm V.2: (HISTORICAL) **All arty uses sections** Sykes 2nd Division has been broken and retreats back toward Chancellorsville.  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

047C_May 1st 2pm V.3: (WHAT IF)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack. This variant has Sykes’ 2nd Division from Meade’s 5th Corps to regroup on the left.

048C_May 1st 2pm V.4: (WHAT IF)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack.  This variant has Slocum’s 12th Corps in a more forward position.

049C_May 1st 2pm V.5: (WHAT IF)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack. This variation redeploys Rodes’ Division to fill the gap between the Furnace Road and the Orange Plank Road.

050C_May 1st 2pm V.6: (WHAT IF)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack. This variation redeploys Rodes’ Division to fill the gap between the Furnace Road and the Orange Plank Road, Sykes’ 2nd Division from Meade’s 5th Corps to regroup on the left.

051C_May 1st 2pm V.7: (WHAT IF)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack. This variation redeploys Rodes’ Division to fill the gap between the Furnace Road and the Orange Plank Road, Slocum’s 12th Corps in a more forward position.

052C_May 1st 2pm V.8: (WHAT IF)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack.  This variation has three brigades of A.P. Hill’s Division: McGowan, Heth and Lane moving speedily along the unfinished railroad.  This move is intended to surprise the Union  11th Corps and cause confusion as to where Lee’s main strike would be unleashed.

053C_May 1st 2pm V.9: (WHAT IF)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack.  This variation has three brigades of A.P. Hill’s Division: McGowan, Heth and Lane moving speedily along the unfinished railroad.  This move is intended to surprise the Union  11th Corps and cause confusion as to where Lee’s main strike would be unleashed, Sykes’ 2nd Division from Meade’s 5th Corps to regroup on the left.

054C_May 1st 2pm V.10: (WHAT IF)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack.  This variation has three brigades of A.P. Hill’s Division: McGowan, Heth and Lane moving speedily along the unfinished railroad.  This move is intended to surprise the Union  11th Corps and cause confusion as to where Lee’s main strike would be unleashed, Slocum’s 12th Corps in a more forward position.

055C_May 2nd 3pm Small Map: (HISTORICAL)  **Consolidated Rebel Batteries**  May 1st caused Hooker to change his plan.  Late in the day, Meade’s V Corps was recalled from it’s plan to move east along the River road.  And the remaining Union army began to take up defensive positions.  As evening fell over the battlefield, Lee and Jackson pondered their next move.  A risky plan was devised to flank Hooker’s army.  Jackson, with the help of local guides, devised a plan to flank the Union and drive them back across the river.  Outnumbered almost 2-1, Lee agreed with Jackson that a bold plan was needed.  Jackson would lead his entire Corps to launch a surprise attack on Howard’s XI Corps.  Meanwhile, Lee with only McLaws’ and Anderson’s divisions would maintain the pressure on Hooker’s main body of troops.

056C_May 2nd 3pm Small Map V.1: (HISTORICAL)  **All sectional artillery**  May 1st caused Hooker to change his plan.  Late in the day, Meade’s V Corps was recalled from it’s plan to move east along the River road.  And the remaining Union army began to take up defensive positions.  As evening fell over the battlefield, Lee and Jackson pondered their next move.  A risky plan was devised to flank Hooker’s army.  Jackson, with the help of local guides, devised a plan to flank the Union and drive them back across the river.  Outnumbered almost 2-1, Lee agreed with Jackson that a bold plan was needed.  Jackson would lead his entire Corps to launch a surprise attack on Howard’s XI Corps.  Meanwhile, Lee with only McLaws’ and Anderson’s divisions would maintain the pressure on Hooker’s main body of troops.

057C_May 2nd 3pm: (HISTORICAL)  May 1st caused Hooker to change his plan.  Late in the day, Meade’s V Corps was recalled from it’s plan to move east along the River road.  And the remaining Union army began to take up defensive positions.  As evening fell over the battlefield, Lee and Jackson pondered their next move.  A risky plan was devised to flank Hooker’s army.  Jackson, with the help of local guides, devised a plan to flank the Union and drive them back across the river.  Outnumbered almost 2-1, Lee agreed with Jackson that a bold plan was needed.  Jackson would lead his entire Corps to launch a surprise attack on Howard’s XI Corps.  Meanwhile, Lee with only McLaws’ and Anderson’s divisions would maintain the pressure on Hooker’s main body of troops.

058C_May 2nd 3pm V.1: (HISTORICAL)  **Consolidated Rebel Batteries**  May 1st caused Hooker to change his plan.  Late in the day, Meade’s V Corps was recalled from it’s plan to move east along the River road.  And the remaining Union army began to take up defensive positions.  As evening fell over the battlefield, Lee and Jackson pondered their next move.  A risky plan was devised to flank Hooker’s army.  Jackson, with the help of local guides, devised a plan to flank the Union and drive them back across the river.  Outnumbered almost 2-1, Lee agreed with Jackson that a bold plan was needed.  Jackson would lead his entire Corps to launch a surprise attack on Howard’s XI Corps.  Meanwhile, Lee with only McLaws’ and Anderson’s divisions would maintain the pressure on Hooker’s main body of troops.

059C_May 2nd 3pm V.2: (HISTORICAL) **All sectional artillery** May 1st caused Hooker to change his plan.  Late in the day, Meade’s V Corps was recalled from it’s plan to move east along the River road.  And the remaining Union army began to take up defensive positions.  As evening fell over the battlefield, Lee and Jackson pondered their next move.  A risky plan was devised to flank Hooker’s army.  Jackson, with the help of local guides, devised a plan to flank the Union and drive them back across the river.  Outnumbered almost 2-1, Lee agreed with Jackson that a bold plan was needed.  Jackson would lead his entire Corps to launch a surprise attack on Howard’s XI Corps.  Meanwhile, Lee with only McLaws’ and Anderson’s divisions would maintain the pressure on Hooker’s main body of troops.

060C_May 2nd 3pm V.3: (WHAT IF)  **This variation repositions Birney’s 1st Division to the northeast of Howard’s 11th Corps.  Hooker felt that the army’s right flank needed a better defense after hearing initial reports of Lee’s possible movement.  Birney’s front line will start building additional entrenchments.**   May 1st caused Hooker to change his plan.  Late in the day, Meade’s V Corps was recalled from it’s plan to move east along the River road.  And the remaining Union army began to take up defensive positions.  As evening fell over the battlefield, Lee and Jackson pondered their next move.  A risky plan was devised to flank Hooker’s army.  Jackson, with the help of local guides, devised a plan to flank the Union and drive them back across the river.  Outnumbered almost 2-1, Lee agreed with Jackson that a bold plan was needed.  Jackson would lead his entire Corps to launch a surprise attack on Howard’s XI Corps.  Meanwhile, Lee with only McLaws’ and Anderson’s divisions would maintain the pressure on Hooker’s main body of troops.

061C_May 2nd Early’s Flank: (WHAT IF)  After an evening meeting, Lee and Jackson decided that a surprise attack on Hooker’s right flank was possible.  This scenario not only has Jackson attacking the right flank, But as a fient, Lee decide to gamble even more and send Early’s division against Hooker’s left flank.

062C_May 2nd Early’s Flank V.1: (WHAT IF)  **Consolidated rebel batteries**  After an evening meeting, Lee and Jackson decided that a surprise attack on Hooker’s right flank was possible.  This scenario not only has Jackson attacking the right flank, But as a fient, Lee decide to gamble even more and send Early’s division against Hooker’s left flank.

063C_Marye’s Heights_May 3rd 10am: (HISTORICAL)   At 10am May 3rd, Union General John Sedgwick sent off a dispatch to Hooker, that the attack on Marye’s Heights had commenced.  Confederates under the command of Barksdale, defended the heights against the frontal attacks led by Newton’s Division.  Union arillery, for fear of hitting freindly troops, were not engaged in this attack on Marye’s Heights. NOTE: Union starts with low ammo because “the men had been cautioned not to fire a shot, whatever the provocation, but to trust to cold steel.” Units on the east bank have been omitted as they played no part for this action.

064C_May 3rd 5am: (HISTORICAL)   Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

065C_May 3rd 5am V.1: (HISTORICAL)  **Consolidated Rebel Guns** Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

066C_May 3rd 5am V.2: (HISTORICAL)   **All sectional artillery** Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

067C_May 3rd 5am V.3: (HISTORICAL)  This variation of V.1 allows for the 10% possibility that 5th Corps will be released one division at a time.

068C_May 3rd (Full Field): (HISTORICAL)   Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

069C_May 3rd (Full Field) V.1: (HISTORICAL) **Consolidated Rebel Guns**   Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

070C_May 3rd (Full Field) V.2: (HISTORICAL) ** All sectional artillery**   Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

071C_May 3rd 5am Small Map: (HISTORICAL)   Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

072C_May 3rd 5am Small Map V.1: (HISTORICAL)  **All sectional artillery**  Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

073C_May 3rd, Early arrives: (WHAT IF)   May 2nd saw a day of great daring by the Confederates.  May 3rd would try to equal that same daring tactic.  General Lee was determined to force Hooker into making a mistake.  Feeling that he would not likely attack Fredericksburg, Lee ordered General Early’s division to move west and join the attack on Hooker’s main force.  A quick victory would decide the battle.  (Fixed USA units will have 10% chance to release)

074C_Salem Church May 3rd: (HISTORICAL) **Sectional Artillery**  The Union 6th Corps, moving along the Plank road, encounters Wilcox’s brigade.  Sedgwick has orders to move into Lee’s rear following his advance from Fredericksburg.  But day light is running out.  Only a swift attack can dislodge Wilcox before nightfall.  With time running out, the Union’s main objective will be to capture Salem Church and force Willcox to abandon the field before the remaining divisions of Sedgwick’s 6th Corps arrives.

075C_Salem Church May 3-4th: (WHAT IF)  ** This variant continues the battle on the 4th of May.  Additional troops include the whole of 6th Corps, Early and Anderson will take the field. Sectional artillery used** The Union 6th Corps, moving along the Plank road, encounters Wilcox’s brigade.  Sedgwick has orders to move into Lee’s rear following his advance from Fredericksburg.  But day light is running out.  Only a swift attack can dislodge Wilcox before nightfall.  With time running out, the Union’s main objective will be to capture Salem Church and force Willcox to abandon the field before the remaining divisions of Sedgwick’s 6th Corps arrives.

076C_King of the Mountain: (TURN OFF VICTORY POINTS FOR LEADER CASUALTIES  BEFORE BEGINNING BATTLE)  This scenario is a fight of the 1st Corps of both armies.  The winner will be determined by who can take and hold the mountain top.  No VPs for troop loses.  The Union will start the game with possession of the VP hex, but the Confederates will stop at nothing to capture it.  As would be historical, the Union will start the game with a few more men, and a few more cannon.  The Confederates will have better quality.  But don’t be fooled, the opposing forces are nearly equal in strength and the winner will be determined by skill alone.

077C_River Crossing: (TURN OFF VICTORY POINTS FOR LEADER CASUALTIES  BEFORE BEGINNING BATTLE)  This scenario is a battle for the Rapidan river crossing at Ely’s Ford.  Howard’s 11th Corps must cross and capture the VP hex across the Rapidan.  Whoever controls this VP hex, will win the game. No other VP points will be awarded.  Jackson and A.P Hill’s division was ordered to repulse the Union’s crossing.

078F_Nov 1st Blind Meet: (A BLIND MEETING ENGAGEMENT)  This scenario throws out the normal rules of war.  Franklin’s Left Grand Division will confront Jackson’s Second Corps west of Fredericksburg.  The forces are mostly equal.  Giant confusion developes following the night orders of 31 Oct.  Except for the fact that most Union units will arrive from the north and Southern units coming from the south, neither side will have an idea of when or where their units will confront the enemy.  In fact, the generals will have very little initial control of when or where their army will enter the battlefield.  Command an control will be difficult at the beginning, but a good commander will should soon be able to bring their units under control.

079C_May 1863 Blind Meet: (A BLIND MEETING ENGAGEMENT) **Sectional Artillery**  After many months of stalement and stalking of enemy troops, the battle is about to begin.  Both Lee and Hooker have stayed away from the central portion of the battlefield.  But the time has come to engage.  The climatic battle is about to begin.  But this time the effect of blind movements will cause confusion for both commanders.  Neither side will know when or where their troops will arrive. Some troops my seemingly appear after marching through the woods.

080C_May 1863 Equal fight: (Equal forces fight for victory)  Everything  is equal.  A unique OOB has been created so that every regiment starts with 500 men and a “B” quality  rating.  Every leader is equal and every cannon is the same.  Also every cavalry regiment will start with 100 men.  No objective hexes.

081C_May 1863 Equal fight V.1: (Equal forces fight for victory)  **All incoming troops with 50% entry chance**  Everything  is equal.  A unique OOB has been created so that every regiment starts with 500 men and a “B” quality rating.  Every leader is equal and every cannon is the same.  Also every cavalry regiment will start with 100 men.  No objective hexes.

082C_Salem Church Equal Fight: (WHAT IF)  Another equal fight scenario near Salem Church.  No VP Hexes.

083C_Salem Church Equal Fight V.1: (TURN OFF VICTORY POINTS FOR LEADER CASUALTIES  BEFORE BEGINNING BATTLE)   This variant of scn 82 requires the capture of the one VP hex.

084C_Salem Church Equal Fight V.2: (WHAT IF)  This variant of scn 82 is a meeting engagement (not blind).

085C_Banks Ford May 4th: (HISTORICAL)  **All Sectional Artillery**    After a slow day of fighting, many felt that the battle might be over.  However, on this day, Confederate General Jubal Early’s plan of attack had been approved by Army General Robert E Lee.  Break the Union line and prevent their retreat across Banks’s Ford.  Defending the ford was Sedgwick’s 6th Corps.  Assisting in the attack will be Anderson’s and McLaws’ Division.  Union troops in Fredericksburg will not be engaged during the battle.

AI Challenge Dec 13th: (CHALLENGE) **Play as the Confederate**  The variation of the Dec 13th 6am sceanrio uses a more compact map for easier map navigation.

AI Challenge King of the Mountain: (CHALLENGE: Play as the Union:  TURN OFF VICTORY POINTS FOR LEADER CASUALTIES  BEFORE BEGINNING BATTLE)  This scenario is a fight of the 1st Corps of both armies.  The winner will be determined by who can take and hold the mountain top.  No VPs for troop loses.  The Union will start the game with possession of the VP hex, but the Confederates will stop at nothing to capture it.  As would be historical, the Union will start the game with a few more men, and a few more cannon.  The Confederates will have better quality.  But don’t be fooled, the opposing forces are nearly equal in strength and the winner will be determined by skill alone.

AI Challenge May 1st: (CHALLENGE)  *Play as the Union**  On the first official day of battle, the Union 12th, 2nd, and 5th Corps face Lee’s advance divisions of Anderson, Rodes and Mclaws.

AI Challenge May 2nd: (CHALLENGE)  **Play as the North; All sectional artillery**  May 1st caused Hooker to change his plan.  Late in the day, Meade’s V Corps was recalled from it’s plan to move east along the River road.  And the remaining Union army began to take up defensive positions.  As evening fell over the battlefield, Lee and Jackson pondered their next move.  A risky plan was devised to flank Hooker’s army.  Jackson, with the help of local guides, devised a plan to flank the Union and drive them back across the river.  Outnumbered almost 2-1, Lee agreed with Jackson that a bold plan was needed.  Jackson would lead his entire Corps to launch a surprise attack on Howard’s XI Corps.  Meanwhile, Lee with only McLaws’ and Anderson’s divisions would maintain the pressure on Hooker’s main body of troops.

AI Challenge May 3rd: (CHALLENGE)  **Play as the Union; All sectional artillery**  Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

AI Challenge May 3rd Marye: (CHALLENGE) **Play as the South**   At 10am May 3rd, Union General John Sedgwick sent off a dispatch to Hooker, that the attack on Marye’s Heights had commenced.  Confederates under the command of Barksdale, defended the heights against the frontal attacks led by Newton’s Division.  Union arillery, for fear of hitting freindly troops, were not engaged in this attack on Marye’s Heights. NOTE:  Units on the east bank have been omitted as they played no part for this action.

AI Challenge Nov 1st Cav: (CHALLENGE) **Play as the South**  The Union army’s approach toward Fredericksburg was screened by 4,000 cavalrymen with horse artillery in support.  General Lee has ordered JEB Stuart to watch for this screen and report the enemies movement.  This information would become critical to the successful defense of this part of Virginia.

AI Challenge River Crossing: (CHALLENGE: Play as Union:   TURN OFF VICTORY POINTS FOR LEADER CASUALTIES  BEFORE BEGINNING BATTLE)  This scenario is a battle for the Rapidan river crossing at Ely’s Ford.  Howard’s 11th Corps must cross and capture the VP hex across the Rapidan.  Whoever controls this VP hex, will win the game. No other VP points will be awarded.  Jackson and A.P Hill’s division was ordered to repulse the Union’s crossing.

AI Challenge Salem Church May 3rd: (CHALLENGE) **Play as Confederate: All Sectional Artillery**  The Union 6th Corps, moving along the Plank road, encounters Wilcox’s brigade.  Sedgwick has orders to move into Lee’s rear following his advance from Fredericksburg.  But day light is running out.  Only a swift attack can dislodge Wilcox before nightfall.  With time running out, the Union’s main objective will be to capture Salem Church and force Willcox to abandon the field before the remaining divisions of Sedgwick’s 6th Corps arrives.

AI Challenge_1st Corps’ Defense: (CHALLENGE)  **Play as the Confederates**  Hooker has ordered the 5th and 11th Corps to take the lead and attack any rebels blocking the way toward Fredericksburg.

AI Challenge_Banks’s Ford: (CHALLENGE)  **Play as Union, All Sectional Artillery**    After a slow day of fighting, many felt that the battle might be over.  However, on this day, Confederate General Jubal Early’s plan of attack had been approved by Army General Robert E Lee.  Break the Union line and prevent their retreat across Banks’s Ford.  Defending the ford was Sedgwick’s 6th Corps.  Assisting in the attack will be Anderson’s and McLaws’ Division.  Union troops in Fredericksburg will not be engaged during the battle.

AI Challenge_Meade and Gibbon: (CHALLENGE)  ** Play as the Union: All sectional artillery** Meade continues his attack with Gibbon attacking Lane.

CAM_April 30th: (CAMPAIGN) **Rebels start unfixed with consolidated batteries, Union with variable release times**  Hooker’s plan to trap Lee was well started, but by late evening April 29th, JEB Stuart’s cavalry screen had at last determined that several Corps of Hooker’s army was attempting a flanking rear attack against Lee’s army at Fredericksburg.  Lee’s most western located division was Anderson’s division.  Lee ordered Anderson to block the Union advance from Chancellorsville to Fredericksburg.  Only three brigades was readily available to block Hooker’s three advancing Corps.  However, Lee soon ordered the greater portion of his army to march toward Chancellorsville.  Speed will greatly determine victory in this fast approaching battle.  (1st Corps will start unfixed as well as that portion on 6th Corps on the west bank of the river) Various locations have unfinished pontoon birdges.

CAM_April 30th_w: (CAMPAIGN) **Rebels start unfixed with consolidated batteries, Union with variable release times**  Hooker’s plan to trap Lee was well started, but by late evening April 29th, JEB Stuart’s cavalry screen had at last determined that several Corps of Hooker’s army was attempting a flanking rear attack against Lee’s army at Fredericksburg.  Lee’s most western located division was Anderson’s division.  Lee ordered Anderson to block the Union advance from Chancellorsville to Fredericksburg.  Only three brigades was readily available to block Hooker’s three advancing Corps.  However, Lee soon ordered the greater portion of his army to march toward Chancellorsville.  Speed will greatly determine victory in this fast approaching battle.  (1st Corps will start unfixed as well as that portion on 6th Corps on the west bank of the river) Various locations have unfinished pontoon birdges.

CAM_Dec 13th: (CAMPAIGN) **Consolidated rebel artillery** After a delay at the river bank, Burnside finally prepares his army for the attack against Lee’s fortified position on Marye’s Heights.  Lee’s outnumbered army stands ready to use his superior defensive position the make this day a costly one for the boys in blue.

CAM_Dec 13th_w: (CAMPAIGN) **Consolidated rebel artillery** After a delay at the river bank, Burnside finally prepares his army for the attack against Lee’s fortified position on Marye’s Heights.  Lee’s outnumbered army stands ready to use his superior defensive position the make this day a costly one for the boys in blue.

CAM_May 1st 11am C1U1: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery, this scenario will fix all Union units except Meade’s 5th Corps (2nd Division) and Slocum’s 12th Corps.**  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

CAM_May 1st 11am C1U1w: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery, this scenario will fix all Union units except Meade’s 5th Corps (2nd Division) and Slocum’s 12th Corps.**  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

CAM_May 1st 11am C1U2: (CAMPAIGN) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Candy’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad.

CAM_May 1st 11am C1U2w: (CAMPAIGN) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Candy’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad.

CAM_May 1st 11am C1U3: (CAMPAIGN) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Candy’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad. Hancock’s 1st division from 2nd Corps has been moved closer to fill the gap between 3rd Brigade 1st Division 12th Corps  and 3rd Brigade 2nd Division 6th Corps. Also, 5th New York has been moved into contact with brigade HQ.

CAM_May 1st 11am C1U3w: (CAMPAIGN) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Candy’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad. Hancock’s 1st division from 2nd Corps has been moved closer to fill the gap between 3rd Brigade 1st Division 12th Corps  and 3rd Brigade 2nd Division 6th Corps. Also, 5th New York has been moved into contact with brigade HQ.

CAM_May 1st 11am C2U1: (CAMPAIGN) Wilcox is unfixed, and all the brigades of Anderson’s Division were moved to the extreme right.  McLaws’ Division has been consolidated in the center.

CAM_May 1st 11am C2U1w: (CAMPAIGN) Wilcox is unfixed, and all the brigades of Anderson’s Division were moved to the extreme right.  McLaws’ Division has been consolidated in the center.

CAM_May 1st 11am C2U2: (CAMPAIGN) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Kane’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad. Wilcox is unfixed, and all the brigades of Anderson’s Division were moved to the extreme right.  McLaws’ Division has been consolidated in the center.

CAM_May 1st 11am C2U2w: (CAMPAIGN) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Kane’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad. Wilcox is unfixed, and all the brigades of Anderson’s Division were moved to the extreme right.  McLaws’ Division has been consolidated in the center.

CAM_May 1st 11am C2U3: (CAMPAIGN) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Kane’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad. Hancock’s 1st division from 2nd Corps has been moved closer to fill the gap between 3rd Brigade 1st Division 12th Corps  and 3rd Brigade 2nd Division 6th Corps. Also, 5th New York has been moved into contact with brigade HQ. Wilcox is unfixed, and all the brigades of Anderson’s Division were moved to the extreme right.  McLaws’ Division has been consolidated in the center.

CAM_May 1st 11am C2U3w: (CAMPAIGN) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Kane’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad. Hancock’s 1st division from 2nd Corps has been moved closer to fill the gap between 3rd Brigade 1st Division 12th Corps  and 3rd Brigade 2nd Division 6th Corps. Also, 5th New York has been moved into contact with brigade HQ. Wilcox is unfixed, and all the brigades of Anderson’s Division were moved to the extreme right.  McLaws’ Division has been consolidated in the center.

CAM_May 1st 11am C3U1: (CAMPAIGN) All brigades of Anderson’s Division has been moved to the extreme left.

CAM_May 1st 11am C3U1w: (CAMPAIGN) All brigades of Anderson’s Division has been moved to the extreme left.

CAM_May 1st 11am C3U2: (CAMPAIGN) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Kane’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad. All brigades of Anderson’s Division has been moved to the extreme left.

CAM_May 1st 11am C3U2w: (CAMPAIGN) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Kane’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad. All brigades of Anderson’s Division has been moved to the extreme left.

CAM_May 1st 11am C3U3: (CAMPAIGN) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Kane’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad. Hancock’s 1st division from 2nd Corps has been moved closer to fill the gap between 3rd Brigade 1st Division 12th Corps  and 3rd Brigade 2nd Division 6th Corps. Also, 5th New York has been moved into contact with brigade HQ. All brigades of Anderson’s Division has been moved to the extreme left.

CAM_May 1st 11am C3U3w: (CAMPAIGN) This variant will start Candy’s brigade to the right of Kane’s brigade.  Kane’s brigade will extend south and touch the unfinished railroad. Hancock’s 1st division from 2nd Corps has been moved closer to fill the gap between 3rd Brigade 1st Division 12th Corps  and 3rd Brigade 2nd Division 6th Corps. Also, 5th New York has been moved into contact with brigade HQ. All brigades of Anderson’s Division has been moved to the extreme left.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C1U1: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C1U1w: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C1U2: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack. This variant has Sykes’ 2nd Division from Meade’s 5th Corps to regroup on the left.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C1U2w: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack. This variant has Sykes’ 2nd Division from Meade’s 5th Corps to regroup on the left.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C1U3: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack.  This variant has Slocum’s 12th Corps in a more forward position.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C1U3w: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack.  This variant has Slocum’s 12th Corps in a more forward position.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C2U1: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack. This variation redeploys Rodes’ Division to fill the gap between the Furnace Road and the Orange Plank Road.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C2U1w: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack. This variation redeploys Rodes’ Division to fill the gap between the Furnace Road and the Orange Plank Road.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C2U2: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack. This variation redeploys Rodes’ Division to fill the gap between the Furnace Road and the Orange Plank Road, Sykes’ 2nd Division from Meade’s 5th Corps to regroup on the left.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C2U2w: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack. This variation redeploys Rodes’ Division to fill the gap between the Furnace Road and the Orange Plank Road, Sykes’ 2nd Division from Meade’s 5th Corps to regroup on the left.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C2U3: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack. This variation redeploys Rodes’ Division to fill the gap between the Furnace Road and the Orange Plank Road, Slocum’s 12th Corps in a more forward position.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C2U3w: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack. This variation redeploys Rodes’ Division to fill the gap between the Furnace Road and the Orange Plank Road, Slocum’s 12th Corps in a more forward position.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C3U1: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack.  This variation has three brigades of A.P. Hill’s Division: McGowan, Heth and Lane moving speedily along the unfinished railroad.  This move is intended to surprise the Union  11th Corps and cause confusion as to where Lee’s main strike would be unleashed.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C3U1w: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack.  This variation has three brigades of A.P. Hill’s Division: McGowan, Heth and Lane moving speedily along the unfinished railroad.  This move is intended to surprise the Union  11th Corps and cause confusion as to where Lee’s main strike would be unleashed.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C3U2: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack.  This variation has three brigades of A.P. Hill’s Division: McGowan, Heth and Lane moving speedily along the unfinished railroad.  This move is intended to surprise the Union  11th Corps and cause confusion as to where Lee’s main strike would be unleashed, Sykes’ 2nd Division from Meade’s 5th Corps to regroup on the left.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C3U2w: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack.  This variation has three brigades of A.P. Hill’s Division: McGowan, Heth and Lane moving speedily along the unfinished railroad.  This move is intended to surprise the Union  11th Corps and cause confusion as to where Lee’s main strike would be unleashed, Sykes’ 2nd Division from Meade’s 5th Corps to regroup on the left.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C3U3: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack.  This variation has three brigades of A.P. Hill’s Division: McGowan, Heth and Lane moving speedily along the unfinished railroad.  This move is intended to surprise the Union  11th Corps and cause confusion as to where Lee’s main strike would be unleashed, Slocum’s 12th Corps in a more forward position.

CAM_May 1st 2pm C3U3w: (CAMPAIGN)  After the initial morning conflict, both sides regroup for a continued afternoon attack.  This variation has three brigades of A.P. Hill’s Division: McGowan, Heth and Lane moving speedily along the unfinished railroad.  This move is intended to surprise the Union  11th Corps and cause confusion as to where Lee’s main strike would be unleashed, Slocum’s 12th Corps in a more forward position.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C1U1: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery** May 1st caused Hooker to change his plan.  Late in the day, Meade’s V Corps was recalled from it’s plan to move east along the River road.  And the remaining Union army began to take up defensive positions.  As evening fell over the battlefield, Lee and Jackson pondered their next move.  A risky plan was devised to flank Hooker’s army.  Jackson, with the help of local guides, devised a plan to flank the Union and drive them back across the river.  Outnumbered almost 2-1, Lee agreed with Jackson that a bold plan was needed.  Jackson would lead his entire Corps to launch a surprise attack on Howard’s XI Corps.  Meanwhile, Lee with only McLaws’ and Anderson’s divisions would maintain the pressure on Hooker’s main body of troops.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C1U1w: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery** May 1st caused Hooker to change his plan.  Late in the day, Meade’s V Corps was recalled from it’s plan to move east along the River road.  And the remaining Union army began to take up defensive positions.  As evening fell over the battlefield, Lee and Jackson pondered their next move.  A risky plan was devised to flank Hooker’s army.  Jackson, with the help of local guides, devised a plan to flank the Union and drive them back across the river.  Outnumbered almost 2-1, Lee agreed with Jackson that a bold plan was needed.  Jackson would lead his entire Corps to launch a surprise attack on Howard’s XI Corps.  Meanwhile, Lee with only McLaws’ and Anderson’s divisions would maintain the pressure on Hooker’s main body of troops.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C1U2: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery**  This variation repositions Birney’s 1st Division to the northeast of Howard’s 11th Corps.  Hooker felt that the army’s right flank needed a better defense after hearing initial reports of Lee’s possible movement.  Birney’s front line will start building additional entrenchments.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C1U2w: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery**  This variation repositions Birney’s 1st Division to the northeast of Howard’s 11th Corps.  Hooker felt that the army’s right flank needed a better defense after hearing initial reports of Lee’s possible movement.  Birney’s front line will start building additional entrenchments.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C1U3: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery** This variation has Jackson’s approaching Corps, sighted.  Howard forms his Line of Battle and prepares for the attack.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C1U3w: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery** This variation has Jackson’s approaching Corps, sighted.  Howard forms his Line of Battle and prepares for the attack.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C2U1: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery**  This variation deploys Early’s along the Furnace Road.  This will be Lee’s gamble to crush Hooker.  Victory Conditions have been adjusted.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C2U1w: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery**  This variation deploys Early’s along the Furnace Road.  This will be Lee’s gamble to crush Hooker.  Victory Conditions have been adjusted.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C2U2: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery**  This variation deploys Early’s along the Furnace Road.  This will be Lee’s gamble to crush Hooker.  Victory Conditions have been adjusted. Birney’s 1st Division has been repositioned to the northeast of Howard’s 11th Corps.  Hooker felt that the army’s right flank needed a better defense after hearing initial reports of Lee’s possible movement.  Birney’s front line will start building additional entrenchments.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C2U2w: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery**  This variation deploys Early’s along the Furnace Road.  This will be Lee’s gamble to crush Hooker.  Victory Conditions have been adjusted. Birney’s 1st Division has been repositioned to the northeast of Howard’s 11th Corps.  Hooker felt that the army’s right flank needed a better defense after hearing initial reports of Lee’s possible movement.  Birney’s front line will start building additional entrenchments.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C2U3: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery**  This variation deploys Early’s along the Furnace Road.  This will be Lee’s gamble to crush Hooker.  Victory Conditions have been adjusted. Jackson’s approaching Corps, sighted.  Howard forms his Line of Battle and prepares for the attack.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C2U3w: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery**  This variation deploys Early’s along the Furnace Road.  This will be Lee’s gamble to crush Hooker.  Victory Conditions have been adjusted. Jackson’s approaching Corps, sighted.  Howard forms his Line of Battle and prepares for the attack.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C3U1: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery**  This variation deploys Early’s along the River Road.  This will be Lee’s gamble to crush Hooker.  Victory Conditions have been adjusted.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C3U1w: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery**  This variation deploys Early’s along the River Road.  This will be Lee’s gamble to crush Hooker.  Victory Conditions have been adjusted.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C3U2: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery**  This variation deploys Early’s along the River Road.  This will be Lee’s gamble to crush Hooker.  Victory Conditions have been adjusted. Birney’s 1st Division has been repositioned to the northeast of Howard’s 11th Corps.  Hooker felt that the army’s right flank needed a better defense after hearing initial reports of Lee’s possible movement.  Birney’s front line will start building additional entrenchments.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C3U2w: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery**  This variation deploys Early’s along the River Road.  This will be Lee’s gamble to crush Hooker.  Victory Conditions have been adjusted. Birney’s 1st Division has been repositioned to the northeast of Howard’s 11th Corps.  Hooker felt that the army’s right flank needed a better defense after hearing initial reports of Lee’s possible movement.  Birney’s front line will start building additional entrenchments.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C3U3: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery**  This variation deploys Early’s along the River Road.  This will be Lee’s gamble to crush Hooker.  Victory Conditions have been adjusted. Jackson’s approaching Corps, sighted.  Howard forms his Line of Battle and prepares for the attack.

CAM_May 2nd 3pm C3U3w: (CAMPAIGN) **All sectional artillery**  This variation deploys Early’s along the River Road.  This will be Lee’s gamble to crush Hooker.  Victory Conditions have been adjusted. Jackson’s approaching Corps, sighted.  Howard forms his Line of Battle and prepares for the attack.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C1U1: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery** Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C1U1w: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery** Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C1U2: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery**   Birney’s 2nd Division 3rd Corps has been redeployed inside upper Hooker’s defensive ring.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C1U2w: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery**   Birney’s 2nd Division 3rd Corps has been redeployed inside upper Hooker’s defensive ring.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C1U3: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery**   The 1st Division of Birney and the 3rd Division of Whipple have marched deep into the thick woods of the wilderness in a wild gamble to surprise Lee’s army.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C1U3w: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery**   The 1st Division of Birney and the 3rd Division of Whipple have marched deep into the thick woods of the wilderness in a wild gamble to surprise Lee’s army.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C2U1: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery**   This variation places Early’s Division to the west of Furnace Road.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C2U1w: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery**   This variation places Early’s Division to the west of Furnace Road.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C2U2: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery**   This variation places Early’s Division to the west of Furnace Road. Birney’s 2nd Division 3rd Corps has been redeployed inside upper Hooker’s defensive ring.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C2U2w: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery**   This variation places Early’s Division to the west of Furnace Road. Birney’s 2nd Division 3rd Corps has been redeployed inside upper Hooker’s defensive ring.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C2U3: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery**   This variation places Early’s Division to the west of Furnace Road. The 1st Division of Birney and the 3rd Division of Whipple have marched deep into the thick woods of the wilderness in a wild gamble to surprise Lee’s army.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C2U3w: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery**   This variation places Early’s Division to the west of Furnace Road. The 1st Division of Birney and the 3rd Division of Whipple have marched deep into the thick woods of the wilderness in a wild gamble to surprise Lee’s army.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C3U1: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery**   Early’s Division prepares to attack Howard’s 11th Corps.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C3U1w: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery**   Early’s Division prepares to attack Howard’s 11th Corps.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C3U2: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery**   Early’s Division prepares to attack Howard’s 11th Corps. Birney’s 2nd Division 3rd Corps has been redeployed inside upper Hooker’s defensive ring.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C3U2w: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery**   Early’s Division prepares to attack Howard’s 11th Corps. Birney’s 2nd Division 3rd Corps has been redeployed inside upper Hooker’s defensive ring.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C3U3: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery**   Early’s Division prepares to attack Howard’s 11th Corps. The 1st Division of Birney and the 3rd Division of Whipple have marched deep into the thick woods of the wilderness in a wild gamble to surprise Lee’s army.

CAM_May 3rd 5am C3U3w: (CAMPAIGN)   **All sectional artillery**   Early’s Division prepares to attack Howard’s 11th Corps. The 1st Division of Birney and the 3rd Division of Whipple have marched deep into the thick woods of the wilderness in a wild gamble to surprise Lee’s army.

CAM_May 1863 Blind Meet: (CAMPAIGN) **Consolidated Artillery**  After many months of stalement and stalking of enemy troops, the battle is about to begin.  Both Lee and Hooker have stayed away from the central portion of the battlefield.  But the time has come to engage.  The climatic battle is about to begin.  But this time the effect of blind movements will cause confusion for both commanders.  Neither side will know when or where their troops will arrive. Some troops my seemingly appear after marching through the woods.

CAM_May 1863 Blind Meet_w: (CAMPAIGN) **Consolidated Artillery**  After many months of stalement and stalking of enemy troops, the battle is about to begin.  Both Lee and Hooker have stayed away from the central portion of the battlefield.  But the time has come to engage.  The climatic battle is about to begin.  But this time the effect of blind movements will cause confusion for both commanders.  Neither side will know when or where their troops will arrive. Some troops my seemingly appear after marching through the woods.

CAM_May 1863 Blind Meet V.1: (CAMPAIGN) **Consolidated Artillery**  After many months of stalement and stalking of enemy troops, the battle is about to begin.  Both Lee and Hooker have stayed away from the central portion of the battlefield.  But the time has come to engage.  The climatic battle is about to begin.  But this time the effect of blind movements will cause confusion for both commanders.  Neither side will know when or where their troops will arrive. Some troops my seemingly appear after marching through the woods.

CAM_May 1863 Blind Meet V.1_w: (CAMPAIGN) **Consolidated Artillery**  After many months of stalement and stalking of enemy troops, the battle is about to begin.  Both Lee and Hooker have stayed away from the central portion of the battlefield.  But the time has come to engage.  The climatic battle is about to begin.  But this time the effect of blind movements will cause confusion for both commanders.  Neither side will know when or where their troops will arrive. Some troops my seemingly appear after marching through the woods.

CAM_May 1863 Blind Meet V.2: (CAMPAIGN) **Sectional Artillery**  After many months of stalement and stalking of enemy troops, the battle is about to begin.  Both Lee and Hooker have stayed away from the central portion of the battlefield.  But the time has come to engage.  The climatic battle is about to begin.  But this time the effect of blind movements will cause confusion for both commanders.  Neither side will know when or where their troops will arrive. Some troops my seemingly appear after marching through the woods.

CAM_Nov 1st Blind Meet: (CAMPAIGN) A blind meeting engagement.  This scenario throws out the normal rules of war.  Franklin’s Left Grand Division will confront Jackson’s Second Corps west of Fredericksburg.  The forces are mostly equal.  Giant confusion developes following the night orders of 31 Oct.  Except for the fact that most Union units will arrive from the north and Southern units coming from the south, neither side will have an idea of when or where their units will confront the enemy.  In fact, the generals will have very little initial control of when or where their army will enter the battlefield.  Command an control will be difficult at the beginning, but a good commander will should soon be able to bring their units under control.

CAM_Nov 1st Blind Meet_w: (CAMPAIGN) A blind meeting engagement.  This scenario throws out the normal rules of war.  Franklin’s Left Grand Division will confront Jackson’s Second Corps west of Fredericksburg.  The forces are mostly equal.  Giant confusion developes following the night orders of 31 Oct.  Except for the fact that most Union units will arrive from the north and Southern units coming from the south, neither side will have an idea of when or where their units will confront the enemy.  In fact, the generals will have very little initial control of when or where their army will enter the battlefield.  Command an control will be difficult at the beginning, but a good commander will should soon be able to bring their units under control.

CAM_Nov 1st Blind Meet V.1: (CAMPAIGN) A blind meeting engagement.  This scenario throws out the normal rules of war.  Franklin’s Left Grand Division will confront Jackson’s Second Corps west of Fredericksburg.  The forces are mostly equal.  Giant confusion developes following the night orders of 31 Oct.  Except for the fact that most Union units will arrive from the north and Southern units coming from the south, neither side will have an idea of when or where their units will confront the enemy.  In fact, the generals will have very little initial control of when or where their army will enter the battlefield.  Command an control will be difficult at the beginning, but a good commander will should soon be able to bring their units under control.

CAM_Nov 1st Blind Meet V.1_w: (CAMPAIGN) A blind meeting engagement.  This scenario throws out the normal rules of war.  Franklin’s Left Grand Division will confront Jackson’s Second Corps west of Fredericksburg.  The forces are mostly equal.  Giant confusion developes following the night orders of 31 Oct.  Except for the fact that most Union units will arrive from the north and Southern units coming from the south, neither side will have an idea of when or where their units will confront the enemy.  In fact, the generals will have very little initial control of when or where their army will enter the battlefield.  Command an control will be difficult at the beginning, but a good commander will should soon be able to bring their units under control.

CAM_Nov 1st_Cav: (CAMPAIGN)  **Sectional Artillery**  The Union army’s approach toward Fredericksburg was screened by 4,000 cavalrymen with horse artillery in support.  General Lee has ordered JEB Stuart to watch for this screen and report the enemies movement.  This information would become critical to the successful defense of this part of Virginia.

CAM_Nov 1st_Cav_w: (CAMPAIGN) **Sectional Artillery, Weather Rules**  The Union army’s approach toward Fredericksburg was screened by 4,000 cavalrymen with horse artillery in support.  General Lee has ordered JEB Stuart to watch for this screen and report the enemies movement.  This information would become critical to the successful defense of this part of Virginia.

CAM_Nov 21th: (CAMPAIGN) **Rebs with Consolidated Batteries**  Burnside’s Right Grand Division arrived opposite the city of Fredericksburg, but was not allowed to take the city.  Burnside insisted on waiting for the Pontoon bridges.  Lee, was convinced that Burnside had already taken Fredericksburg and was moving toward Richmond.  When he learned that Burnside was delayed, Lee immediately decided to move all forces to the defense of the city.  This scenario will assume the pontoons have arrived and that Burnside will soon cross to engage Lee.  The Union must cross the river, take the city and drive Lee off the heights before Hood’s and Anderson’s division arrive from Spotsylavania Court House.

CAM_Nov 21th_w: (CAMPAIGN) **Rebs with Consolidated Batteries**  Burnside’s Right Grand Division arrived opposite the city of Fredericksburg, but was not allowed to take the city.  Burnside insisted on waiting for the Pontoon bridges.  Lee, was convinced that Burnside had already taken Fredericksburg and was moving toward Richmond.  When he learned that Burnside was delayed, Lee immediately decided to move all forces to the defense of the city.  This scenario will assume the pontoons have arrived and that Burnside will soon cross to engage Lee.  The Union must cross the river, take the city and drive Lee off the heights before Hood’s and Anderson’s division arrive from Spotsylavania Court House.

CW_April 29th: (WHAT IF-MEETING ENGAGEMENT)  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

CW_April 29th_w: (WHAT IF-MEETING ENGAGEMENT)  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

SG_City: (HISTORICAL) **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE** The fight for Fredericksburg.  This scenario starts with elements of the 7th Michigan ready for a river crossing.  The rest of Hall’s and Owen’s brigade await the completion of the pontoon bridge.  Only those Union units that participated in this initial crossing and Confederate defenders are represented on the map.  Also, for this particular scenario, the regiments have been divided into “A” and “B” battalions.  Both the 7th Michigan “A” and the 89th New York “A” have been equiped with boats, should you decide to make the historic river crossing.  (TO COMPLETE THE PONTOON BRIDGES, UNITS MUST BE NEXT TO THE BRIDGE AND IN COLUMN.  BE SURE TO TOGGLE THE BRIDGE REPAIR FEATURE UNDER THE “Command” POP DOWN WINDOW. Please read the users manual concerning “Bridge Repair”)

SG_City V.1: (HISTORICAL)  **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE,  Victory Points are given only for objective hexes** The fight for Fredericksburg.  This scenario starts with elements of the 7th Michigan ready for a river crossing.  The rest of Hall’s and Owen’s brigade await the completion of the pontoon bridge.  Only those Union units that participated in this initial crossing and Confederate defenders are represented on the map.  Also, for this particular scenario, the regiments have been divided into “A” and “B” battalions.  Both the 7th Michigan “A” and the 89th New York “A” have been equiped with boats, should you decide to make the historic river crossing.  (TO COMPLETE THE PONTOON BRIDGES, UNITS MUST BE NEXT TO THE BRIDGE AND IN COLUMN.  BE SURE TO TOGGLE THE BRIDGE REPAIR FEATURE UNDER THE “Command” POP DOWN WINDOW. Please read the users manual concerning “Bridge Repair”)

SG_City V.2: (WHAT IF)  **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE**  This variant establishes the Union bridgehead. Cobbs Brigade and two Confederate batteries have been included to reinforce Barksdale’s embattled city defenders. The victory conditions are the same as V.1.  The Union must clear the town.

SG_Dec 13th 6am: (HISTORICAL)  **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE**   After a delay at the river bank, Burnside finally prepares his army for the attack against Lee’s fortified position on Marye’s Heights.  Lee’s outnumbered army stands ready to use his superior defensive position to make this day a costly one for the boys in blue.

SG_Dec 13th 6am Small Map: (HISTORICAL)  **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE**  The variation of the Dec 13th 6am sceanrio uses a more compact map for easier map navigation.

SG_Dec 13th 6am V.1: (HISTORICAL) **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE,  Consolidated rebel artillery** After a delay at the river bank, Burnside finally prepares his army for the attack against Lee’s fortified position on Marye’s Heights.  Lee’s outnumbered army stands ready to use his superior defensive position the make this day a costly one for the boys in blue.

SG_Dec 13th 6am V.2: (HISTORICAL)  **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE,  All sectional artillery**  After a delay at the river bank, Burnside finally prepares his army for the attack against Lee’s fortified position on Marye’s Heights.  Lee’s outnumbered army stands ready to use his superior defensive position to make this day a costly one for the boys in blue.

SG_Dec 13th 6am V.3: (HISTORICAL)  **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE**  The variation of the Dec 13th 6am sceanrio uses a more compact map for easier map navigation.

SG_Meade and Gibbon attack: (HISTORICAL) **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE** Meade continues his attack with Gibbon attacking Lane.

SG_Meade and Gibbon attack V.1: (HISTORICAL)  **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE,  All sectional artillery** Meade continues his attack with Gibbon attacking Lane.

SG_Meade and Gibbon attack V.2: (HISTORICAL)  **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE,  Consolidated rebel artillery**   Meade continues his attack with Gibbon attacking Lane.

SG_Meade’s Assualt_Center and Right: (HISTORICAL)  **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE**Meade launches his attack on A.P. Hill’s position across the R.F., & P. Railroad.

SG_Meade’s Assualt_Center and Right V.1: (HISTORICAL)  **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE,  All sectional artillery**  Meade launches his attack on A.P. Hill’s position across the R.F., & P. Railroad.

SG_Nov 1st_Cav: (WHAT IF)  **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE**  The Union army’s approach toward Fredericksburg was screened by 4,000 cavalrymen with horse artillery in support.  General Lee has ordered JEB Stuart to watch for this screen and report the enemies movement.  This information would become critical to the successful defense of this part of Virginia.

SG_Nov 19th_Meeting Engagement: (MEETING ENGAGEMENT)  **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE,  All sectional artillery**   By late November, it had become clear to both armies that the town of Fredericksburg would soon become the focal point for a Union drive into Virginia.  Both Lee and Burnside were determined to hold the town.  If caught by surprise, Lee’s army could be defeated in detail.  But if Burnside acted too rashly, his army might also be defeated in detail.  So skill of movement will need to be employed for either army to succeed.  Though the Union will have superior numbers, they won’t be fully engaged until the late morning of the second day.  Until that ime, both armies will be roughly equal.  The first task for the Union army will be to build the pontoon bridges across the Rappahanock and establish a bridgehead.  The minimum strengh for infantry to cross is 225.  Please read rules regarding brigdes. Total forces:  USA-111,380   CSA-81,343

SG_Nov 21th 6am: (WHAT IF) **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE,  Rebs with Consolidated Batteries**  Burnside’s Right Grand Division arrived opposite the city of Fredericksburg, but was not allowed to take the city.  Burnside insisted on waiting for the Pontoon bridges.  Lee, was convinced that Burnside had already taken Fredericksburg and was moving toward Richmond.  When he learned that Burnside was delayed, Lee immediately decided to move all forces to the defense of the city.  This scenario will assume the pontoons have arrived and that Burnside will soon cross to engage Lee.  The Union must cross the river, take the city and drive Lee off the heights before Hood’s and Anderson’s division arrive from Spotsylavania Court House.  (Additional repairs to the pontoon bridges will be needed to allow leaders and artillery to cross- read user manual concerning bridges)

SG_Nov 21th 6am V.1: (WHAT IF) **THIS VARIANT USES THE SPRING GRAPHICS MODE, All sectional artillery**  Burnside’s Right Grand Division arrived opposite the city of Fredericksburg, but was not allowed to take the city.  Burnside insisted on waiting for the Pontoon bridges.  Lee, was convinced that Burnside had already taken Fredericksburg and was moving toward Richmond.  When he learned that Burnside was delayed, Lee immediately decided to move all forces to the defense of the city.  This scenario will assume the pontoons have arrived and that Burnside will soon cross to engage Lee.  The Union must cross the river, take the city and drive Lee off the heights before Hood’s and Anderson’s division arrive from Spotsylavania Court House. (Additional repairs to the pontoon bridges will be needed to allow leaders and artillery to cross- read user manual concerning bridges)

Weather00_Nov 1st_Cav: (WEATHER RULES)  The Union army’s approach toward Fredericksburg was screened by 4,000 cavalrymen with horse artillery in support.  General Lee has ordered JEB Stuart to watch for this screen and report the enemies movement.  This information would become critical to the successful defense of this part of Virginia.

Weather01_Nov 1st Blind Meet: (WEATHER RULES)  A blind meeting engagement.  This scenario throws out the normal rules of war.  Franklin’s Left Grand Division will confront Jackson’s Second Corps.  The forces are mostly equal.  Giant confusion developes following the night orders of 31 Oct.  Except for the fact that most Union units will arrive from the north and Southern units coming from the south, neither side will have an idea of when or where their units will confront the enemy.  In fact, the generals will have very little initial control of when or where their army will enter the battlefield.  Command an control will be difficult at the beginning, but a good commander will should soon be able to bring their units under control.

Weather02_Nov 19th_Meeting: (WEATHER RULES) **All sectional artillery**   By late November, it had become clear to both armies that the town of Fredericksburg would soon become the focal point for a Union drive into Virginia.  Both Lee and Burnside were determined to hold the town.  If caught by surprise, Lee’s army could be defeated in detail.  But if Burnside acted too rashly, his army might also be defeated in detail.  So skill of movement will need to be employed for either army to succeed.  Though the Union will have superior numbers, they won’t be fully engaged until the late morning of the second day.  Until that ime, both armies will be roughly equal.  The first task for the Union army will be to build the pontoon bridges across the Rappahanock and establish a bridgehead.  The minimum strengh for infantry to cross is 225.  Please read rules regarding brigdes. Total forces:  USA-111,380   CSA-81,343

Weather03_Nov 21th 6am: (WEATHER RULES)  **Rebs with Consolidated Batteries**  Burnside’s Right Grand Division arrived opposite the city of Fredericksburg, but was not allowed to take the city.  Burnside insisted on waiting for the Pontoon bridges.  Lee, was convinced that Burnside had already taken Fredericksburg and was moving toward Richmond.  When he learned that Burnside was delayed, Lee immediately decided to move all forces to the defense of the city.  This scenario will assume the pontoons have arrived and that Burnside will soon cross to engage Lee.  The Union must cross the river, take the city and drive Lee off the heights before Hood’s and Anderson’s division arrive from Spotsylavania Court House.  (Additional repairs to the pontoon bridges will be needed to allow leaders and artillery to cross- read user manual concerning bridges)

Weather04_Nov 21th 6am V.1: (WEATHER RULES) **All sectional artillery**  Burnside’s Right Grand Division arrived opposite the city of Fredericksburg, but was not allowed to take the city.  Burnside insisted on waiting for the Pontoon bridges.  Lee, was convinced that Burnside had already taken Fredericksburg and was moving toward Richmond.  When he learned that Burnside was delayed, Lee immediately decided to move all forces to the defense of the city.  This scenario will assume the pontoons have arrived and that Burnside will soon cross to engage Lee.  The Union must cross the river, take the city and drive Lee off the heights before Hood’s and Anderson’s division arrive from Spotsylavania Court House. (Additional repairs to the pontoon bridges will be needed to allow leaders and artillery to cross- read user manual concerning bridges)

Weather05_City: (WEATHER RULES)   The fight for Fredericksburg.  This scenario starts with elements of the 7th Michigan ready for a river crossing.  The rest of Hall’s and Owen’s brigade await the completion of the pontoon bridge.  Only those Union units that participated in this initial crossing and Confederate defenders are represented on the map.  Also, for this particular scenario, the regiments have been divided into “A” and “B” battalions.  Both the 7th Michigan “A” and the 89th New York “A” have been equiped with boats, should you decide to make the historic river crossing.  (TO COMPLETE THE PONTOON BRIDGES, UNITS MUST BE NEXT TO THE BRIDGE AND IN COLUMN.  BE SURE TO TOGGLE THE BRIDGE REPAIR FEATURE UNDER THE “Command” POP DOWN WINDOW. Please read the users manual concerning “Bridge Repair”)

Weather06_City V.1: (WEATHER RULES)   **Victory Points are given only for objective hexes** The fight for Fredericksburg.  This scenario starts with elements of the 7th Michigan ready for a river crossing.  The rest of Hall’s and Owen’s brigade await the completion of the pontoon bridge.  Only those Union units that participated in this initial crossing and Confederate defenders are represented on the map.  Also, for this particular scenario, the regiments have been divided into “A” and “B” battalions.  Both the 7th Michigan “A” and the 89th New York “A” have been equiped with boats, should you decide to make the historic river crossing.  (TO COMPLETE THE PONTOON BRIDGES, UNITS MUST BE NEXT TO THE BRIDGE AND IN COLUMN.  BE SURE TO TOGGLE THE BRIDGE REPAIR FEATURE UNDER THE “Command” POP DOWN WINDOW. Please read the users manual concerning “Bridge Repair”)

Weather07_City V.2: (WEATHER RULES)  This variant establishes the Union bridgehead. Cobbs Brigade and two Confederate batteries have been included to reinforce Barksdale’s embattled city defenders. The victory conditions are the same as V.1.  The Union must clear the town.

Weather08_Dec 13th 6am: (WEATHER RULES)  After a delay at the river bank, Burnside finally prepares his army for the attack against Lee’s fortified position on Marye’s Heights.  Lee’s outnumbered army stands ready to use his superior defensive position to make this day a costly one for the boys in blue.

Weather09_Dec 13th 6am V.1: (WEATHER RULES)  **Consolidated rebel artillery** After a delay at the river bank, Burnside finally prepares his army for the attack against Lee’s fortified position on Marye’s Heights.  Lee’s outnumbered army stands ready to use his superior defensive position the make this day a costly one for the boys in blue.

Weather10_Dec 13th 6am V.2: (WEATHER RULES)   **All sectional artillery**  After a delay at the river bank, Burnside finally prepares his army for the attack against Lee’s fortified position on Marye’s Heights.  Lee’s outnumbered army stands ready to use his superior defensive position to make this day a costly one for the boys in blue.

Weather11_Dec 13th 6am V.3: (WEATHER RULES)    The variation of the Dec 13th 6am sceanrio uses a more compact map for easier map navigation.

Weather12_Dec 13th 6am Small Map: (WEATHER RULES)    The variation of the Dec 13th 6am sceanrio uses a more compact map for easier map navigation.

Weather13_Meade and Gibbon attack: (WEATHER RULES)   Meade continues his attack with Gibbon attacking Lane.

Weather14_Meade and Gibbon attack V.1: (WEATHER RULES)  ** All sectional artillery** Meade continues his attack with Gibbon attacking Lane.

Weather15_Meade and Gibbon attack V.2: (WEATHER RULES)  **Consolidated rebel artillery**   Meade continues his attack with Gibbon attacking Lane.

Weather16_Meade’s Assualt: (WEATHER RULES)   Meade launches his attack on A.P. Hill’s position across the R.F., & P. Railroad.

Weather17_Meade’s Assualt  V.1: (WEATHER RULES)   ** All sectional artillery**  Meade launches his attack on A.P. Hill’s position across the R.F., & P. Railroad.

Weather18_April 29th: (WEATHER RULES)  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

Weather19_April 30th: (WEATHER RULES) **Rebels start unfixed with consolidated batteries, Union with variable release times**  Hooker’s plan to trap Lee was well started, but by late evening April 29th, JEB Stuart’s cavalry screen had at last determined that several Corps of Hooker’s army was attempting a flanking rear attack against Lee’s army at Fredericksburg.  Lee’s most western located division was Anderson’s division.  Lee ordered Anderson to block the Union advance from Chancellorsville to Fredericksburg.  Only three brigades was readily available to block Hooker’s three advancing Corps.  However, Lee soon ordered the greater portion of his army to march toward Chancellorsville.  Speed will greatly determine victory in this fast approaching battle.  (1st Corps will start unfixed as well as that portion on 6th Corps on the west bank of the river) Various locations have unfinished pontoon birdges.

Weather20_April 30th V.1: (WEATHER RULES) **Consolidated rebel artillery, this scenario is a 2 day variant and uses historical release times for both rebel and Union units. Some units are slightly positioned differently. **  Hooker’s plan to trap Lee was well started, but by late evening April 29th, JEB Stuart’s cavalry screen had at last determined that several Corps of Hooker’s army was attempting a flanking rear attack against Lee’s army at Fredericksburg.  Lee’s most western located division was Anderson’s division.  Lee ordered Anderson to block the Union advance from Chancellorsville to Fredericksburg.  Only three brigades was readily available to block Hooker’s three advancing Corps.  However, Lee soon ordered the greater portion of his army to march toward Chancellorsville.  Speed will greatly determine victory in this fast approaching battle.

Weather21_April 30th V.2: (WEATHER RULES)  **Consolidated rebel artillery. This variant starts with no fixed units** Hooker’s plan to trap Lee was well started, but by late evening April 29th, JEB Stuart’s cavalry screen had at last determined that several Corps of Hooker’s army was attempting a flanking rear attack against Lee’s army at Fredericksburg.  Lee’s most western located division was Anderson’s division.  Lee ordered Anderson to block the Union advance from Chancellorsville to Fredericksburg.  Only three brigades was readily available to block Hooker’s three advancing Corps.  However, Lee soon ordered the greater portion of his army to march toward Chancellorsville.  Speed will greatly determine victory in this fast approaching battle.  (1st Corps will start unfixed as well as that portion on 6th Corps on the west bank of the river) Various locations have unfinished pontoon birdges.

Weather22_April 30th V.3: (WEATHER RULES) **All sectional artillery, Rebels start unfixed, Union with variable release times**  Hooker’s plan to trap Lee was well started, but by late evening April 29th, JEB Stuart’s cavalry screen had at last determined that several Corps of Hooker’s army was attempting a flanking rear attack against Lee’s army at Fredericksburg.  Lee’s most western located division was Anderson’s division.  Lee ordered Anderson to block the Union advance from Chancellorsville to Fredericksburg.  Only three brigades was readily available to block Hooker’s three advancing Corps.  However, Lee soon ordered the greater portion of his army to march toward Chancellorsville.  Speed will greatly determine victory in this fast approaching battle.  (1st Corps will start unfixed as well as that portion on 6th Corps on the west bank of the river) Various locations have unfinished pontoon birdges.

Weather23_Marye’s Heights_May 3rd 10am: (WEATHER RULES)   At 10am May 3rd, Union General John Sedgwick sent off a dispatch to Hooker, that the attack on Marye’s Heights had commenced.  Confederates under the command of Barksdale, defended the heights against the frontal attacks led by Newton’s Division.  Union arillery, for fear of hitting freindly troops, were not engaged in this attack on Marye’s Heights. NOTE: Union starts with low ammo because “the men had been cautioned not to fire a shot, whatever the provocation, but to trust to cold steel.” Units on the east bank have been omitted as they played no part for this action.

Weather24_May 1st 2pm: (WEATHER RULES)  Sykes 2nd Division has been broken and retreats back toward Chancellorsville.  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

Weather25_May 1st 2pm V.1: (WEATHER RULES) **Uses Consolidated Rebels Guns** Sykes 2nd Division has been broken and retreats back toward Chancellorsville.  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

Weather26_May 1st 2pm V.2: (WEATHER RULES) **All arty uses sections** Sykes 2nd Division has been broken and retreats back toward Chancellorsville.  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

Weather27_May 1st 11am: (WEATHER RULES)  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

Weather28_May 1st 11am Small Map: (WEATHER RULES)  On the first official day of battle, the Union 12th, 2nd, and 5th Corps face Lee’s advance divisions of Anderson, Rodes and Mclaws.

Weather29_May 1st 11am Small Map V.1: (WEATHER RULES)  **All sectional artillery**  On the first official day of battle, the Union 12th, 2nd, and 5th Corps face Lee’s advance divisions of Anderson, Rodes and Mclaws.

Weather30_May 1st 11am Small Map V.2: (WEATHER RULES)  **Consolidated rebel batteries**  On the first official day of battle, the Union 12th, 2nd, and 5th Corps face Lee’s advance divisions of Anderson, Rodes and Mclaws.

Weather31_May 1st 11am V.1: (WEATHER RULES) **This scenario will fix all Union units except Meade’s 5th Corps (2nd Division) and Slocum’s 12th Corps.**  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

Weather32_May 1st 11am V.2: (WEATHER RULES) **This scenario uses consolidated rebel batteries and will fix all Union units except Meade’s 5th Corps (2nd Division) and Slocum’s 12th Corps.**  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

Weather33_May 1st 11am V.3: (WEATHER RULES) **All sectional artillery, this scenario will fix all Union units except Meade’s 5th Corps (2nd Division) and Slocum’s 12th Corps.**  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

Weather34_May 1st-May3rd: (WEATHER RULES)  **Full 3 day battle with consolidated artillery**  General Hooker continues his deployment of the Army of the Potomac near Chancellorsville.  General Lee responds by sending the Army of Northern Virginia to confront this new threat.  Early’s Division will stay near Fredericksburg to guard the army’s flank.

Weather35_May 1st-May3rd V.1: (WEATHER RULES)  This variation includes the early arrival of Early’s Division.

Weather36_May 2nd 3pm: (WEATHER RULES)  May 1st caused Hooker to change his plan.  Late in the day, Meade’s V Corps was recalled from it’s plan to move east along the River road.  And the remaining Union army began to take up defensive positions.  As evening fell over the battlefield, Lee and Jackson pondered their next move.  A risky plan was devised to flank Hooker’s army.  Jackson, with the help of local guides, devised a plan to flank the Union and drive them back across the river.  Outnumbered almost 2-1, Lee agreed with Jackson that a bold plan was needed.  Jackson would lead his entire Corps to launch a surprise attack on Howard’s XI Corps.  Meanwhile, Lee with only McLaws’ and Anderson’s divisions would maintain the pressure on Hooker’s main body of troops.

Weather37_May 2nd 3pm Small Map: (WEATHER RULES)  **Consolidated Rebel Batteries**  May 1st caused Hooker to change his plan.  Late in the day, Meade’s V Corps was recalled from it’s plan to move east along the River road.  And the remaining Union army began to take up defensive positions.  As evening fell over the battlefield, Lee and Jackson pondered their next move.  A risky plan was devised to flank Hooker’s army.  Jackson, with the help of local guides, devised a plan to flank the Union and drive them back across the river.  Outnumbered almost 2-1, Lee agreed with Jackson that a bold plan was needed.  Jackson would lead his entire Corps to launch a surprise attack on Howard’s XI Corps.  Meanwhile, Lee with only McLaws’ and Anderson’s divisions would maintain the pressure on Hooker’s main body of troops.

Weather38_May 2nd 3pm Small Map V.1: (WEATHER RULES)  **All sectional artillery**  May 1st caused Hooker to change his plan.  Late in the day, Meade’s V Corps was recalled from it’s plan to move east along the River road.  And the remaining Union army began to take up defensive positions.  As evening fell over the battlefield, Lee and Jackson pondered their next move.  A risky plan was devised to flank Hooker’s army.  Jackson, with the help of local guides, devised a plan to flank the Union and drive them back across the river.  Outnumbered almost 2-1, Lee agreed with Jackson that a bold plan was needed.  Jackson would lead his entire Corps to launch a surprise attack on Howard’s XI Corps.  Meanwhile, Lee with only McLaws’ and Anderson’s divisions would maintain the pressure on Hooker’s main body of troops.

Weather39_May 2nd 3pm V.1: (WEATHER RULES)  **Consolidated Rebel Batteries**  May 1st caused Hooker to change his plan.  Late in the day, Meade’s V Corps was recalled from it’s plan to move east along the River road.  And the remaining Union army began to take up defensive positions.  As evening fell over the battlefield, Lee and Jackson pondered their next move.  A risky plan was devised to flank Hooker’s army.  Jackson, with the help of local guides, devised a plan to flank the Union and drive them back across the river.  Outnumbered almost 2-1, Lee agreed with Jackson that a bold plan was needed.  Jackson would lead his entire Corps to launch a surprise attack on Howard’s XI Corps.  Meanwhile, Lee with only McLaws’ and Anderson’s divisions would maintain the pressure on Hooker’s main body of troops.

Weather40_May 2nd 3pm V.2: (WEATHER RULES) **All sectional artillery** May 1st caused Hooker to change his plan.  Late in the day, Meade’s V Corps was recalled from it’s plan to move east along the River road.  And the remaining Union army began to take up defensive positions.  As evening fell over the battlefield, Lee and Jackson pondered their next move.  A risky plan was devised to flank Hooker’s army.  Jackson, with the help of local guides, devised a plan to flank the Union and drive them back across the river.  Outnumbered almost 2-1, Lee agreed with Jackson that a bold plan was needed.  Jackson would lead his entire Corps to launch a surprise attack on Howard’s XI Corps.  Meanwhile, Lee with only McLaws’ and Anderson’s divisions would maintain the pressure on Hooker’s main body of troops.

Weather41_May 2nd Early’s Flank: (WEATHER RULES)  After an evening meeting, Lee and Jackson decided that a surprise attack on Hooker’s right flank was possible.  This scenario not only has Jackson attacking the right flank, But as a fient, Lee decide to gamble even more and send Early’s division against Hooker’s left flank.

Weather42_May 2nd Early’s Flank V.1: (WEATHER RULES)  **Consolidated rebel batteries**  After an evening meeting, Lee and Jackson decided that a surprise attack on Hooker’s right flank was possible.  This scenario not only has Jackson attacking the right flank, But as a fient, Lee decide to gamble even more and send Early’s division against Hooker’s left flank.

Weather43_May 3rd 5am: (WEATHER RULES)   Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

Weather44_May 3rd 5am Small Map: (WEATHER RULES)   Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

Weather45_May 3rd 5am Small Map V.1: (WEATHER RULES)  **All sectional artillery**  Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

Weather46_May 3rd 5am V.1: (WEATHER RULES)  **Consolidated Rebel Guns** Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

Weather47_May 3rd 5am V.2: (WEATHER RULES)   **All sectional artillery** Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

Weather48_May 3rd 5am V.3: (WEATHER RULES)  This variation of V.1 allows for the 10% possibility that 5th Corps will be released one division at a time.

Weather49_May 3rd (Full Field): (WEATHER RULES)   Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

Weather50_May 3rd (Full Field) V.1: (WEATHER RULES) **Consolidated Rebel Guns**   Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

Weather51_May 3rd (Full Field) V.2: (WEATHER RULES) ** All sectional artillery**   Following Jackson’s flanking attack, Howard’s 11th Corps was forced to retreat in disorder with heavy loses.  Had Jackson’s attack come a couple hours earlier, the whole of the Union army would have been in severe difficulty.  With the dawning of a new day, Hooker was determined to stay and defend his captured southern territory.  But instead of Jackson leading the attack, JEB Stuart was forced to take command of 2nd Corps, as Jackson had been mortally wounded on the eve of his greatest victory against Howard’s dazed 11th Corps.  Though still outnumbered nearly two to one, Lee was anxious to continue the attack, knowing that Hooker’s army would be badly demoralized.  Nearly half of Hooker’s army is caught in a salient.  It would be Stuart and Lee’s task to cut it off from Hooker’s path of retreat.

Weather52_May 3rd, Early arrives: (WEATHER RULES)   May 2nd saw a day of great daring by the Confederates.  May 3rd would try to equal that same daring tactic.  General Lee was determined to force Hooker into making a mistake.  Feeling that he would not likely attack Fredericksburg, Lee ordered General Early’s division to move west and join the attack on Hooker’s main force.  A quick victory would decide the battle.  (Fixed USA units will have 10% chance to release)

Weather53_Salem Church May 3-4th: (WEATHER RULES)  ** This variant continues the battle on the 4th of May.  Additional troops include the whole of 6th Corps, Early and Anderson will take the field. Sectional artillery used** The Union 6th Corps, moving along the Plank road, encounters Wilcox’s brigade.  Sedgwick has orders to move into Lee’s rear following his advance from Fredericksburg.  But day light is running out.  Only a swift attack can dislodge Wilcox before nightfall.  With time running out, the Union’s main objective will be to capture Salem Church and force Willcox to abandon the field before the remaining divisions of Sedgwick’s 6th Corps arrives.

Weather54_Salem Church May 3rd: (WEATHER RULES) **Sectional Artillery**  The Union 6th Corps, moving along the Plank road, encounters Wilcox’s brigade.  Sedgwick has orders to move into Lee’s rear following his advance from Fredericksburg.  But day light is running out.  Only a swift attack can dislodge Wilcox before nightfall.  With time running out, the Union’s main objective will be to capture Salem Church and force Willcox to abandon the field before the remaining divisions of Sedgwick’s 6th Corps arrives.

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6 responses to “HPS Campaign Chancellorsville Scenario List”

  1. Gil R. Avatar

    As the site administrator you can tell which terms have been entered into the search engine?!? I hereby deny that I was the one typing in “Paris Hilton”…

  2. admin Avatar


    Yep! Lijit and 103bees are great analytics tools for bloggers. 🙂

  3. Dave Avatar

    Just got this last night. Playing as CSA, had a tough time of it in a cavalry scrap scenario before Fredericksburg. The HPS A.I. is still woefully stupid, but the Union didn’t seem to rout as easily as it usually does, so the fight was far tougher than typical.

    The maps are very well done, BTW. Still not as pretty as the ol’ Talonsoft maps, but it’s still great to finally have Fredericksburg and The Wilderness.

    The devious part of me wants to make an 1863 Mine Run campaign with these maps. . .

  4. admin Avatar


    I for one would be excited about Mine Run scenarios! I’m not sure I’ve ever played one in any Civil War game I’ve ever had to be perfectly honest. Has anyone else reading this?


  5. Dave Avatar

    Back in my college days, I had a copy of GMT’s “1863” that came with a Mine Run map and scenario. Always found that neat, as few Civil War board games seemed to include those hypothetical “what if’s.”

    Here’s a link to a review of that game:

    BTW, playing through the Chancellorsville campaingn, I’m in the middle of the battle of Fredericksburg– the A.I. script is *vicious* in this scenario. Not even 9:00 am, and I’ve got literally dozens of Union regiments throwing themselves as Marye’s Heights, and I’m scrambling to plug the gaps. Fun times.

  6. […] I recently released a complete scenario list for Campaign Chancellorsville here at TOCWOC – A Civil War Blog.  In studying this list, I see a lot of interesting items.  It […]

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