Civil War Talk Radio: September 15, 2006

Air Date: 091506
Subject: Hearing Voices
Book:  If I Am Found Dead: Michigan Voices from the Civil War
Guest: David Lee Poremba

Summary: David Lee Poremba drew on years of experience at the Burton Historical Collection to create If I Am Found Dead: Michigan Voices from the Civil War.

Brett’s Summary: Librarian David Poremba works at the Burton Historical Collection in Detroit, Michigan, overseeing in part a collection of over 100 sets of Civil War diaries and letters.  His book If I Am Found Dead: Michigan Voices from the Civil War compiles two diaries and two sets of letters from Michigan soldiers who fought during the war.

I listened to this one in the car so I do not recall the exact names.  However, one soldier later became famous for creating a certain brand of ginger ale during the war.  Another was accused of killing his business partner, and only after three trials was he acquitted.  This sounds like a very interesting book based on the show.  If you are a fan of first person accounts, I would encourage you to buy the book!

Civil War Talk Radio airs most Fridays at 12 PM Pacific on World Talk Radio Studio A. Host Gerry Prokopowicz, the History Chair at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina, interviews a guest each week and discusses their interest in the Civil War. Most interviews center around a book or books if the guest is an author. Other guests over the years have included public historians such as park rangers and museum curators, wargamers, bloggers, and even a member of an American Civil War Round Table located in London, England.

In this series of blog entries, I will be posting air dates, subjects, and guests, and if I have time, I’ll provide a brief summary of the program. You can find all of the past episodes I’ve entered into the blog by clicking on the Civil War Talk Radio category. Each program should appear either on or near the date it was first broadcast.

Check out more summaries of Civil War Talk Radio at TOCWOC.

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