74 Pages
Cover Story
Stumbling in Sherman’s Path…..26
by Noah Andre Trudeau
Confederate troops had numerous opportunities to stop, or at least delay, the March to the Seas, but they repeatedly botched the job.
Plus: You’ll love looking at our detailed map of the March to the Sea.
‘I Saw Him First in Lexington Va.’…..34
by Mary Roy Dawson Edwards
A rare letter by a friend of “Stonewall” Jackson who was with him from VMI to Manassas.
Walt Whitman’s Calling Card…..40
by Chris Ballou Lillie
Family connections to the war are revealed by a faded photo.
Before the Storm…..44
Paintings and drawings of Richmond and Washington on the eve of the Civil War.
At War with the Press…..48
by Ernest P. Furgurson
Angry General George Meade stuck a reporter on a mule and had him run out of camp.
In His Father’s Shadow…..54
by Jason Emerson
Why does Robert Todd Lincoln have such a sour reputation?
Mail Call…..9
Civil War Today…..14
Edited by Linda Wheeler
Cedar Creek debacle, Fort Monroe at risk, Florida blockade runner located, controversial Jef Davis memorials, tragic cannonball casualty.
by Peter S. Carmichael
Jason Phillips and Aaron Sheehan-Dean talk about diehard Rebels, slavery and glorifying the war.
Field Guide…..22
Lower Shenandoah Valley 1862 sites.
Letter From Civil War Times…..25
‘We Don’t Want The Truth Told!’.
1. Cavalryman of the Lost Cause by Jeffry D. Wert
2. Camp William Penn by Donald Scott Sr.
3. Confederate Daughters: Coming of Age During the Civil War by Victoria E. Ott
4. Co. “Aytch,” First Tennessee Regiment by Sam R. Watkins, edited by Ruth H.F. McAllister
5. Roll Call to Destiny: The Soldier’s Eye View of Civil War Battles by Brent Nosworthy
6. Voices of the Confederate Navy: Articles, Letters, Reports, and Reminiscences by R. Thomas Campbell
1. A Volunteer’s Adventures: A Union Captain’s Record of the Civil War by John William DeForest
1. The General Lew Wallace Study and Museum
Author Web sites, March to the Sea commemorations and more on Walt Whitman.
Rank & File…..74
Armies moved to the beat of their drummers.
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