74 Pages
Cover Story
‘This is My Last Letter to You’…..28
by Drew Gilpin Faust
The four-year bloodbath forced Americans to confront mortality as they never had before. The resulting cultural changes linger to this day.
Hearts at War…..36
by Ruth Ann Coski
Handmade and commercial valentines helped keep the home fires burning.
De-evolution of a Warship…..40
by Eric Ethier
USS Galena looked sleek and powerful, but the ironclad couldn’t take a punch.
Lincoln the Homely…..48
by Harold Holzer
The president’s craggy, unusual face became a powerful political tool and a Northern icon.
Celebrate the Lincoln Bicentennial…..54
by Linda Wheeler
Get out your bikes, quilting frames and new pennies, Abe Lincoln’s 200th birthday party is here.
Mail Call…..9
Strong reactions to diehard Rebels.
Civil War Today…..11
Edited by Linda Wheeler
Robert E. Lee’s rock, a witch hunt and makeup for Little Sorrel.
Drew Gilpin Faust on “good Deaths” and being U.S. Grant.
Field Guide…..24
by Eric Mink
Fredericksburg on and off the battlefield.
Letter From Civil War Times…..27
Failed Expectations.
1. Meade’s Army: The Private Notebooks of Lt. Col. Theodore Lyman edited by David W. Lowe
2. Forge of Empires: Three Revolutionary Statesmen and the World They Made, 1861-1871 by Michael Knox Beran
3. Trench Warfare Under Grant and Lee: Field Fortifications in the Overland Campaign by Earl J. Hess
4. The Border Between Them: Violence and Reconciliation on the Kansas-Missouri Line by Jeremy Neely
Reviews in Brief
1. Men of Fire: Grant, Forrest and the Campaign That Decided the Civil War by Jack Hurst
2. Lost Soul: A Confederate Soldier in New England by Les Rolston
DVD Review
1. General Sherman’s March: The Shocking Campaign That Ended the Civil War
1. Thank God My Regiment an African One: The Civil War Diary of Colonel Nathan W. Daniels edited by C.P. Weaver
Exhibit Review…..70
Reviewed by Jason Emerson
John Adams Elder: Fredericksburg’s Artist of the Civil War Retrospective art exhibit, Fredericksburg Area Museum and Cultural Center, Fredericksburg, VA.
Common Soldier…..74
A U.S. Marine in his Sunday best.
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