Tag: the killer angels

  • Gettysburg’s Mystery Man

    One of the most well-known, yet most mysterious characters of the Battle of Gettysburg is Lieutenant General James Longstreet’s scout Henry Thomas Harrison, or more commonly known as simply, Harrison. Harrison gained fame and acknowledgement with the release of Ron Maxwell’s motion picture, Gettysburg and Michael Shaara’s novel The Killer Angels . Portrayed by the […]

  • Top 10 Amazon.com Civil War Bestsellers: May 2009

    I’ve decided to do the Abraham Lincoln Amazon.com Top 10 bestsellers on a bi-monthly basis since the topic doesn’t fit this blog as well as the Top 10 Civil War bestsellers.  Check out the April 2009 Amazon.com Top 10 Civil War bestsellers if you haven’t already, and look for the next Abe Top 10 in […]

  • Top 10 Amazon.com Civil War Bestsellers: September 2008

    The past two months, July and August, I took a look at the Amazon.com top 10 Civil War bestsellers.  Although I’m barely squeaking this in prior to month’s end, and despite Dimitri’s hatred of lists, I’d like to revisit this a third time and see how (if?) this list has changed in the past 45 […]

  • Top 10 Amazon.com Civil War Bestsellers: August 2008

    Last month I took a look at the Amazon.com top 10 Civil War bestsellers.  Now I’d like to take a look again and see how (if?) this list has changed much over time. I’ve taken the liberty of removing non-Civil War related books from the list.  The books below are in the Civil War top […]

  • Top 10 Amazon.com Civil War Bestsellers: July 2008

    I thought it might be fun to take a monthly look at the Amazon.com top 10 Civil War bestsellers and see how (if?) this list changes much over time.  The first thing I noticed was the strange inclusion of several titles which have either little or no real connection to the Civil War.  I’ve taken […]

  • Civil War Fiction: Worth Reading?

    I have started to receive quite a few requests to review Civil War fiction here at the ol’ Civil War blog.  The requests intrigue me and I have often thought about expanding the scope of my posts here at TOCWOC to include fiction as well as non-fiction.  However, my standard response from day one has […]

  • Odds & Ends: May 10, 2008

    It’s time again for Odds & Ends. What is Odds & Ends? Here is the answer. In addition to the Civil War blogs, I’ve also subscribed to several phrases which allow me to find some interesting blog entries and news stories involving the Civil War. I’ve decided to create an on-again, off-again series of posts […]