Crikey and Wrangler’s Olustee (Beta) Scenario

NOTE: For help with this mod, refer to the proper MMG forum thread and give Crikey feedback in the Olustee Beta Test Feedback thread.

Mod Name: Crikey and Wrangler’s Olustee Scenario (Beta)

Last Updated: Added May 26, 2008

Authors: Crikey and Wrangler

Other NEEDED Mods:

  1. TC2M Patch 3.0
  2. ADukes’ Community Mod Pack 3.0

Files to Download:

  1. Available at Vonviper’s Sawbones site OR
  2. Olustee-CMP3_versionv4.rar

Readme File:

READ MEv4 – wip

You must have TCM2 patched to patch3. And have CMP3 installed.

Back up your original files as this mod overwrites the following CSV and sound files

Data Files – Mainscreens, Textures, Sprites, Unitsprites, Unitcommon, Gamesounds

Sounds – TC1861_Intro.mp3


Just copy the folders to your Take Command directory, overwrite what’s there.


Playing the game.

You need Hi-res flags chosen under options.

In Open play choose small battle size.

When using the Olustee map, players with low-end machines should consider using the low density foliage setting on the options menu

The Scenarios

I am very much a novice when it comes to scenarios so don’t expect too much. Some, such as those relating to the 54th Massachusettes and Caraway Smith’s cavalry, are more vignettes of the battle than immaculately crafted scenarios.

Please note that Confederate command structure was somewhat intermixed at Olustee, with Colquitt commanding some regiments of Harrison’s Brigade and vice versa. To reflect this I’ve adjusted the units.csv in the scenarios to give a more accurate depiction.

I have left the ‘official’ command structure in place for the Open play oobs.

The files aren’t warpacked so feel free to improve my efforts or craft your own. I have one request – that you share them with the community.

Map by Wrangler

PLEASE NOTE – THIS MAP IS THE PROPERTY OF WRANGLER. I cannot and will not make any alterations to it.

The Olustee map is 2.33 x 2.33 miles square. It is a heavily wooded area bounded my swamps to the north and south.

Players with low-end machines should consider using the low density foliage setting on the options menu.

The trees were made by Von Viper. Wrangler renamed them and added them to the bottom of the sprite.csv file. This way the won’t overwrite the stock tree graphics.


2 responses to “Crikey and Wrangler’s Olustee (Beta) Scenario”

  1. Jared Avatar

    I think its great you made an Olustee version!!! But I am having trouble installing. I have the documents and it says to put in the “Take Command Directory” I own Tcm2 but I dont know what the directory is. Can you pkease help? Thanks alot!!!!


  2. admin Avatar


    The “Take Command Directory” is the main game folder. Look for the folder where your TC2M.exe file is located. That’s the directory you want to the folders in.

    If you are still having issues, I recommend asking Von Viper directly at his site, which is linked to near the top of the page.


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