Top 10 Gettysburg Books: A Civil War Bloggers’ Event

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This is a permanent page for hosting Civil War bloggers’ picks for their Top 10 Gettysburg Books.  Each Civil War blogger participating was asked to pick the ten best Gettysburg books in their opinion.  Please note that we are keeping the Top 10 Gettysburg books criteria intentionally vague. It could be that blogger’s ten favorite Gettysburg books, the ten Gettysburg books they believe are the most important, the ten books on Gettysburg they believe Civil War readers will enjoy, or really any other rationalization they want to use.  The more Gettysburg books which appear the better, especially considering the sheer numbers we have to choose from.


Photo by smokejmt

Links to Individual Top 10 Gettysburg Book Lists

These Civil War bloggers released their Top 10 Civil War Books on the Campaign and Battle of Gettysburg on their own blogs over the three day anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg from July 1-3, 2009.  The roster of bloggers and links to their Top 10 Gettysburg Books lists are as follows.

Top 10 Gettysburg Books: The Combined List

These eleven bloggers ended up choosing 60(!) different Gettysburg books.  I tallied up the results, awarding 10 points for a first place vote, 1 point for a tenth place vote, and 5.5 points for books in unordered lists.  The final combined results, with total points, first place votes, selected comments from the bloggers, and links to each book at, are as follows:

GettysburgCampaignAStudyInCommandCoddington1. The Gettysburg Campaign: A Study in Command
by Edwin Coddington
60 points (4 1st place votes)

Eric Wittenberg, Rantings of a Civil War Historian: “This book is the bible for any serious student of the campaign. The treatment of the retreat is a little weak, only because Prof. Coddington died before it could be completed, and someone else had to finish the work.”

Brett Schulte, TOCWOC – A Civil War Blog: “Despite Gettysburg Campaign studies in recent years from Stephen Sears and Noah Andre Trudeau, I still think the very best look at the Gettysburg Campaign is Edwin B. Coddington’s classic The Gettysburg Campaign: A Study in Command.   Some have criticized Coddington for his tendency to favor the Federals and to denigrate Confederate First Corps commander James Longstreet, but his overall look at Gettysburg has not yet been eclipsed.”

Nick Kurtz, Battlefield Wanderings: “This is the classic book on the battle. Recently Stephen Sears and Noah Andre Trudeau have done very good books but its hard to knock Coddington off his perch. I didn’t put Sears or Trudeau on the top 10 because I didn’t want to have the list clogged with similar books. If I had made my criteria only the top 10, regardless of similarity then I think Sears and Trudeau would have made the list.”

John Hoptak, Civil War Musgins: “Next up is the standard, or mainstay work on Gettysburg by Edwin Coddington. No real explanation necessary.”

GettysburgTheSecondDayPfanz2. Gettysburg:  The Second Day
by Harry W. Pfanz
40.33 points (0)

Brett Schulte, TOCWOC – A Civil War Blog: “Harry Pfanz has also written books on the first day’s fighting and that which occurred on Culp’s Hill and Cemetery Hill on July 1-3.  I have selected his book on the July 2 struggle from Round Top to Cemetery Ridge as the best of his detailed tactical studies of the battle of Gettysburg.  All of these books are loaded with detailed maps and tactical discussions.  Curiously, Pfanz never did day three, though there may be a good reason for this.  For Day 3, you might wish to check out Jeffry Wert’s book Gettysburg, Day Three.”

Eric Wittenberg, Rantings of a Civil War Historian: “A truly magnificent book that provides the sort of detailed study of Longstreet’s assault on the second day that I crave. This book is a must-have for the library of any serious student of the campaign.”

John Hoptak, Civil War Musings: “For the best account of a single day’s action at Gettysburg, I have to go with Harry Pfanz’s landmark Gettysburg: The Second Day, just an excellent all-around book.”

Chris Wehner, Blog 4 History: “This was, of course, a monumental work and as John Hoptak noted a “landmark” book that has to be on the shelf of every Civil War enthusiast. He also covers a little about my ancestor, Charles H. Weygant of the 124th NY.”

RetreatFromGettysburgLeeLogisticsAndTheGettysburgCampaignBrown3. Retreat from Gettysburg: Lee, Logistics, and the Pennsylvania Campaign
by Kent Masterson Brown
28 points (0)

Craig Swain, To the Sound of the Guns: “Brown’s work cuts new ground in two ways.  First we finally learn Pickett’s Charge was not the end of the campaign.  Second, there were many more considerations for the Confederate retreat than just getting soldiers across the Potomac.  If you follow Brown’s logic, Lee actually “won” Gettysburg to a degree by securing enough supplies to support the Army of Northern Virginia through the end of 1863.  Certainly a unique way to look at things.  Regardless of how one receives that supposition, Brown’s study of logistics during the campaign is the best handling of such that any has produced.”

Rea Andrew Redd, Civil War Librarian: “Brown handles tactics and logistics quite well and offers sound insights into Lee’s and Meade’s leadership and the ability of their endure a rigorous and deadly campaign.”

Brett Schulte, TOCWOC – A Civil War Blog: “Amazingly, Brown’s book, first published in 2005, was the first book-length account of the retreat from Gettysburg.  I say amazingly given the extreme saturation of the market with regards to Gettysburg books.  As the subtitle mentions, Brown looks at the retreat with a great deal of time and energy spent on logistics.  He believes Lee did not necessarily need a battle to happen to make the campaign a success.  Instead, says Brown, the Southern commander simply wanted to live off of Northern land for awhile to give Virginia a break.  Brown’s book has a decidedly Confederate focus.  For a detailed and balanced look at the fighting during the retreat, I recommend One Continuous Fight: The Retreat from Gettysburg and the Pursuit of Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia, July 4-14, 1863.”

Nick Kurtz, Battlefield Wanderings: “We’ve also been treated to a couple of books on the retreat from Gettysburg after it being widely ignored. I haven’t read the book done by Wittenberg, Petruzzi and Nugent but have heard it is good too. One day I’ll read it but for now I’ll include Brown’s on my list.”

GettysburgAJourneyInTimeFrassanito4 (tie). Gettysburg: A Journey in Time
by William A. Frassanito
24.5 points (0)

Nick Kurtz, Battlefield Wanderings: “At first I thought this seemed pretty high to have a picture book, but its become a classic. I cannot think of any other picture book I’d put in the top 10 at all. David J. Eicher’s “Gettysburg Battlefield” was good, but has its own issues/irregularities that I can’t rate it in the top 10.”

John Hoptak, Civil War Musings: “And, of course, so is Gettysburg: A Journey in Time [a good selection to include in a Top 10 Gettysbug list], by William Frassanito, which was also one of the very first books I read on the battle.”

Mark Grimsley, Civil Warriors: “Not sure when I came across this, but surely it was during my salad days.  An extraordinary study of the Gettysburg photographic evidence base.  I never again saw historical photos as mere illustrations, but rather as documents.  Plus it was wicked cool to learn how photographers dragged around corpses to compose the images they sought.”

TheKillerAngelsMichaelShaaraTop10GettysburgBooks4 (tie). The Killer Angels

By Michael Shaara

24.5 points (0)

Ethan Rafuse, Civil Warriors: “In addition to being a great read, The Killer Angels is an essential work for understanding, if not the battle (although it is pretty good in that respect), why it is so much easier to find a t-shirt or print of a certain Maine colonel than it is to find one of the commander of the Army of the Potomac, or why there are so many more people visiting Little Round Top than Culp’s Hill.”

Mark Grimsley, Civil Warriors: “Encountered the novel at age 15.  Totally captivating.  Would have devoured it in a single sitting were it not for school, chores, etc.  Even then I could see some historical inaccuracies (the presence of a slave recently imported from Africa — WTF? — and the idea that “there is no good ground south of here” — there’s loads of good ground south of Gettysburg), but The Killer Angels formed my introduction to Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain and challenged my pre-conceptions about James Longstreet.  And Shaara’s taut prose style taught me a lot about good writing.  Still a very good introduction to the battle — the Army War College’s Center for Strategic Leadership assigns it as preparatory reading for strategic leadership staff rides.  But one should also read the antidote, D. Scott Hartwig’s excellent A Killer Angel’s Companion (1996)”

Chris Wehner, Blog 4 History: “[It] has to be on any list. It was my first introduction to the Civil War in High School.”

GettysburgJuly1DavidGMartinTop10GettysburgBooks6. Gettysburg, July 1

By David G. Martin

22 points (0)

Eric Wittenberg, Rantings of a Civil War Historian: “I’m a first day guy. It’s by far my favorite part of the battle. An incredible research resource, this was the first detailed study dedicated entirely to the first day of the battle. It can be tough to read, but it’s worth the effort.”

Craig Swain, To the Sound of the Guns: “I could mention at least three other works here for the first day’s fighting, but I think Martin covers the topic in more detail and with better maps.   Martin’s approach takes the reader through brigades and regiments, linking their activities into the larger flow of the battle.  And if the account of the day’s fighting is not enough, the appendices are equally outstanding.  Every student of the battle should at least read the topographical and meteorological notes found there.”

Brett Schulte, TOCWOC – A Civil War Blog: “I went back and forth on whether to include this title in my Top 10 Gettysburg Books list, but in the end the positives outweighed the negatives.  Martin’s book to me is a better representation of the July 1 fighting at Gettysburg than Harry Pfanz’ similarly titled book.  I wanted to include a book on the first day’s fighting, so this by default was it.  Martin’s book, especially the first edition, suffered from numerous typos and errors of fact, so much so that the book has been panned in many circles.  Get the latest edition of the book that you can (the Amazon link above leads to the paperback version), and you will not be disappointed with this one.”

PickettsChargeInHistoryAndMemoryCarolReardonTop10GettysburgBooks7. Pickett’s Charge in History and Memory

By Carol Reardon

20 points (0)

Ethan Rafuse, Civil Warriors: “Carol Reardon’s book on Pickett’s Charge is a no-brainer, as it is one of the best books on any Civil War topic to appear in the past few decades (as evidenced by the legion of folks–yours truly included–who have jumped on the history and memory bandwagon since it appeared).”

Chris Wehner, Blog 4 History: “[A] fascinating book on the battle’s most controversial and important event.”

Harry Smeltzer, Bull Runnings: “Influential memory study.”

PlentyOfBlameToGoAroundJebStuartsControversialRidetoGettysburgWittenbergPetruzziTop10GettysburgBooks8. Plenty of Blame to Go Around: Jeb Stuart’s Controversial Ride to Gettysburg

By Eric Wittenberg and J. David Petruzzi

18 points (0)

Craig Swain, To the Sound of the Guns: “The two previously mentioned works cover General J.E.B. Stuart’s movements in parts, but not to the depth that a student of cavalry would be satisfied with.  Wittenberg and Petruzzi resolve that gap, in my opinion.  The authors take on a subject that far too many historians, in my opinion, had oversimplified or ignored.  They directly confront many of the old beliefs regarding Stuart’s ride and in doing so breath life back into the debate!  I particularly like style of presenting the material, accounts, and details first, then offering conclusions.”

Brett Schulte, TOCWOC – A Civil War Blog: “Wittenberg and Petruzzi have written what I believe to be the best book yet on Stuart’s adventures in Pennsylvania.  The authors and fellow bloggers tapped a large number of previously unused primary sources for the book.  The result is a detailed look at Stuart’s Ride which does not get caught up in the blame game so prevalent in secondary sources.  It also covers in great tactical detail the cavalry engagements which resulted from the ride.  If you can only afford one book on the subject, this one is it.”

PickettsChargeTheLastAttackAtGettysburgHessTop10GettysburgBooks9. Pickett’s Charge: The Last Attack at Gettysburg

By Earl J. Hess

16 points (0)

Mark Grimsley, Civil Warriors: “The best study of the engagement by one of the best Civil War military historians.  Carol Reardon’s Pickett’s Charge in History and Memory (1997) is excellent, as Ethan rightly notes, but deals only in part with the attack itself, and had less impact on me than it might have done otherwise because I had elsewhere received my introduction to public memory.”

Brett Schulte, TOCWOC – A Civil War Blog: “Hess’ book is a detailed tactical look at, and to me the best book on Pickett’s Charge, topping George Stewart’s classic look at the July 3 fight for the Union center.  Hess gives the point of view of both sides, moving back and forth and producing a wonderfully researched look at this climactic moment of the most famous battle of the war.”

GettysburgSearsTop10GettysburgBooks10. Gettysburg

By Stephen Sears

14 points (0)

Ethan Rafuse, Civil Warriors: “I would naturally have someone begin their studies with one of the single-volume histories. Stephen Sears’s is at the top of the list for the general reader (although for someone who blanches at its heft or needs more pictures, I might substitute Steve Woodworth’s short history or Craig Symonds’s American Heritage history).”

John Hoptak, Civil War Musings: “There are many overview books on the campaign and battle and picking from among them was tough, but I settled upon Sears’s work as a good narrative, suitable for both the casual reader and the more serious student of the war.”

Chris Wehner, Blog 4 History: “[H]is reading style is very accessible. I thought he handled Meade and Lee fairly, but really this book is a favorite as I enjoy his writing style. Gettysburg books can be very convoluted as it was indeed a massive battle.”


Note: In addition to the Top 10, there were 50 more books which appeared on the various Civil War bloggers’ lists.  I am listing these books here with the rank, title, author, and a link to buy at without the various comments by the bloggers.  If you would like to see these expanded with blogger comments, use the Contact Us form or comment below.  I may be willing to flesh these out later depending on time available.

11 (tie). Regimental Strengths and Losses at Gettysburg

By John W. Busey and David G. Martin

13.5 points (0)


11 (tie). The Gettysburg Nobody Knows

B y Gabor S. Boritt

13.5 points (0)


13. The First Day at Gettysburg: Essays on Confederate and Leadership

Gary W. Gallagher (ed.)

13.17 points (0)


14. Gettysburg Day Two: A Study in Maps

By John Imhof

11.5 points (0)

15 (tie).  “A Strange and Blighted Land” Gettysburg, The Aftermath of Battle

By Gregory Coco

11 points (0)

15 (tie).  Gettysburg: A Battlefield Guide

By Mark Grimsley and Brooks Simpson

11 points (0)

15 (tie).  The Bachelder Papers

By John Bachelder

11 points (0)

15 (tie).  The Generals of Gettysburg

By Larry Tagg

11 points (0)


19. Gettysburg—The First Day

By Harry W. Pfanz

10.83 points (0)


20. The Complete Gettysburg Guide

By J.D. Petruzzi and Steven Stanley

10.5 points (0)

21 (tie). Here Come the Rebels

By Wilbur S. Nye

10 points (1 first place vote)

21 (tie). The Battle of Gettysburg

By Bruce Catton

10 points (1 first place vote)

21 (tie). Those Damned Black Hats: The Iron Brigade in the Gettysburg Campaign

By Lance J. Herdegen

10 points (1 first place vote)

21 (tie). The U.S. Army War College Guide to the Battle of Gettysburg

By Jay Luvaas and Harold W. Nelson

10 points (0)


25. Gettysburg, Day Three

By Jeffry D. Wert

9.5 points (NOTE: Since a first place vote garners by definition 10 points, all books from this point forward will not show the number of first place votes in parentheses.)


26. Roads to Gettysburg

By John W. Schildt

9 points


27 (tie). The Second Day at Gettysburg: Essays on Union and Confederate Leadership

Edited by Gary W. Gallagher

8.17 points

27 (tie). The Third Day at Gettysburg and Beyond

Edited by Gary W. Gallagher

8.17 points

29 (tie). The Maps of Gettysburg: The Gettysburg Campaign, June 3 – July 13, 1863

By Bradley M. Gottfried

8 points

29 (tie). The Cavalry in the Gettysburg Campaign: A Tactical Study of Mounted Operations during the Civil War’s Pivotal Campaign, 9 June-14 July 1863

By Edward G. Longacre

8 points

31. Pickett’s Charge: A Microhistory of the Final Attack at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863

By George Stewart

6.5 points

32 (tie). Devil’s Den: A History and Guide

Garry E. Adleman and Timothy H. Smith

6 points

32 (tie). Haskell of Gettysburg: His Life and Civil War Papers

Edited by Frank L. Byrne and Andrew T. Weaver

6 points

32 (tie). Morning at Willoughby Run, July 1, 1863

By Richard Shue

6 points

35. Gettysburg: Culp’s Hill and Cemetery Hill

By Harry W. Pfanz

5.83 points

36 (tie). “Fighting Them Over”: How the Veterans Remembered Gettysburg in the Pages of the National Tribune

By Richard Sauers

5.5 points




36 (tie). “Grappling with Death”: The Union Second Corps Hospital at Gettysburg

By Roland Maust

5.5 points




36 (tie). “Like Ripe Apples in a Storm”: The 151st Pennsylvania Volunteers at Gettysburg

By Michael Dreese

5.5 points

36 (tie). A Vast Sea of Misery: A History and Guide to the Union and Confederate Field Hospitals at Gettysburg, July 1-November 20, 1863

By Gregory Coco

5.5 points


36 (tie). Gettysburg Sketches

By Frederic Ray

5.5 points




36 (tie). Gettysburg: The Meade-Sickles Controversy

By Richard Sauers

5.5 points


36 (tie). Gettysburg’s Bloody Wheatfield

By Jay Jorgensen

5.5 points

36 (tie). The Attack and Defense of Little Round Top, Gettysburg, July 2, 1863

By Olver W. Norton

5.5 points




36 (tie). Brigades of Gettysburg: The Union and Confederate Brigades at the Battle of Gettysburg

By Bradley M. Gottfried

5.5 points




36 (tie). The Union Generals Speak: The Meade Hearings on the Battle of Gettysburg

Edited by Bill Hyde

5.5 points



36 (tie). These Honored Dead: How the Story of Gettysburg Shaped American Memory

By Thomas Desjardin

5.5 points




36 (tie). This Is Holy Ground: A History of the Gettysburg Battlefield

By Barbara Platt

5.5 points

48. Covered with Glory: The 26th North Carolina Infantry at the Battle of Gettysburg

By Rod Gragg

5 points

49 (tie). Crossroads of the Conflict: Defining Hours for the Blue and Gray: A Guide to the Monuments of Gettysburg

By Donald W. McLaughlin

4 points

49 (tie). Gettysburg: A Testing of Courage

By Noah Andre Trudeau

4 points

49 (tie). In the Bloody Railroad Cut at Gettysburg

By Lance J. Herdegen and William J.K. Beaudot

4 points

52 (tie). Flames Beyond Gettysburg: The Gordon Expedition

By Scott L. Mingus, Sr.

3 points

52 (tie). Lee’s Real Plan at Gettysburg

By Troy D. Harman

3 points

52 (tie). Silent Sentinels: A Reference Guide to the Artillery at Gettysburg

By George Newton

3 points

55 (tie). Gettysburg: Memory, Market, and an American Shrine

By Jim Weeks

2 points

55 (tie). Lincoln at Gettysburg: The Words that Remade America

By Garry Willis

2 points

55 (tie). Small Arms at Gettysburg: Infantry and Cavalry Weapons in America’s Greatest Battle

By Joseph Bilby

2 points

58 (tie). Gettysburg, Then & Now: Touring the Battlefield with Old Photos

By William A. Frassanito

1 point

58 (tie). The Colors of Courage: Immigrants, Women, and African Americans in the Civil War’s Defining Battle

By Margaret S. Creighton

1 point

58 (tie). When War Passed This Way

By W.P. Conrad and Ted Alexander

1 point

Readers, please share YOUR picks for the Top 10 Civil War Books on the Campaign and Battle of Gettysburg in the comments section below.  We want to hear from you!

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43 responses to “Top 10 Gettysburg Books: A Civil War Bloggers’ Event”

  1. […] permanent page to host all of the Top 10 Civil War Books on the Campaign and Battle of Gettysburg has been created.  Initially, it will show the scheduled publication dates for each […]

  2. […] favorite books on Gettysburg, all to be posted around and during the anniversary of the battle.  Here’s a page set up by Brett to coordinate the whole project, where you’ll find a schedule of when […]

  3. […] Events include the 78th History Carnival, a combined effort by Civil War bloggers to present a definitive Top 10 Civil War books on the Campaign and Battle of Gettysburg, and a free book giveaway on the Fourth of July to celebrate America’s Independence.  The […]

  4. Jeff Felton Avatar

    Hi Brett,
    I would like to participate in the Gettysburg top 10! Here are my submissions:

    Gettysburg by Stephen W. Sears

    Last Chance for Victory: Robert E. Lee and the Gettysburg Campaign by Scott Bowden and Bill Ward.

    Gettysburg The Second Day by Harry W. Pfanz.

    Gettysburg: Culp’s Hill and Cemetery Hill by Harry W. Pfanz.

    Gettysburg July 1 by David G. Martin

    Pickett’s Charge: The Last Attack at Gettysburg by Earl J. Hess.

    Covered With Glory by Rod Gragg.

    Retreat From Gettysburg: Lee, Logistics, and the Pennsylvania Campaign by Kent Masterson Brown.

    Gettysburg A Journey In Time by William A. Frassanito.

    Brigades of Gettysburg:The Union and Confederate Brigades at the Battle of Gettysburg by Bradley M. Gottfried.

    Thanks a lot,

    Jeff Felton

    1. Trevor Holcroft Avatar

      I do agree with your choice of ‘Last Chance for Victory: Robert E. Lee and the Gettysburg Campaign’ by Scott Bowden and Bill Ward.

      It is a very well argued book and a good read. It’s a bit thin on ‘Pickets Charge’ perhaps but gives a very good summary of Lees intentions on Day 2. It is worth remembering how thin the Union line was held where ‘Picket’s Charge’ was aimed at.
      Perhaps the actions of Mahone on Dday 2 need some reaserch . And of course the strange actions of Hill.

  5. […] 1, 2009: The Top 10 Gettysburg Books event officially gets underway with the Top 10 Gettysburg Books as chosen by Eric Wittenberg of Rantings […]

  6. […] here?  You might want to look over the Top 10 Gettysburg Books Civil War bloggers series, starting today and running through July 3 during the anniversary of the Civil War’s most […]

  7. […] permanent page for this project may be found here. The debate should be […]

  8. […] identifying our ten favorite books on The Gettysburg Campaign.  A master page has been set up here.  As other bloggers post their lists, I’ll put up links at the bottom of this […]

  9. […] I am proud to present my contribution to the Top Ten Books on the Battle of Gettysburg. […]

  10. […] Since we are in the midst of “Gettysburg days”… and there is an effort afoot for bloggers to list their top ten Gettysburg books, I figured I’d do a little something different. I’m such a […]

  11. […] If you're new To TOCWOC – A Civil War Blog, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed or go check out the Best of TOCWOC – A Civil War Blog. Thanks for visiting!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponTweet This!Share this on FacebookAdd this to Google BookmarksShare this on del.icio.usShare this on TechnoratiEmail this to a friend?Subscribe to the comments for this post?I love sharing the knowledge I’ve gained over the years from reading, and reading about, top Civil War books.  I’ve also always found the list format to be an easy way for readers to take in some of this knowledge.  With these things in mind, we will be doing a series of lists for major battles during the Civil War here at TOCWOC – A Civil War Blog.  This post is one in a series of Top 10 Gettysburg Books blog entries by a group of Civil War bloggers. […]

  12. Rea Andrew Redd Avatar
    The entry for July 5 has my Top 10 Gettysburg Books.

    1. admin Avatar


      I added a link to your Top 10 Gettysburg books on my own list and on the permanent page. Thanks for adding your list!


  13. […] I’ve been enjoying the perspectives of several ACW bloggers on their top ten books on Gettysburg which Brett over a TOCWOC has nicely organized for us here. […]

  14. […] 7 07 2009 I echo Drew’s thanks to Brett Schulte for co-ordinating the multi-blog project on top-ten Gettysburg books.  It will be interesting to see all the selections laid out – something I believe Brett is […]

  15. Cyrus C Dodd Avatar
    Cyrus C Dodd

    If you like Gettysburg history then you should read; Nine Months to Gettysburg: Stannard’s Vermonters and the Repulse of Pickett’s Charge
    by Howard Coffin. It starts out rather slow but ends well and I guess I’m a little bias as my Gr Gr Grandfather fought with the 13th Vermont.

    1. Robert Colton Avatar
      Robert Colton

      Coffin’s Nine Months to Gettysburg is an excellent book. His book on the Overland Campaign, The Battered Stars, and his Full Duty are also excellent. I’m a bit biased too. My Great Grandfather served for 6 months in the 13th before being sent home on disability, he lived to 1940, one of the last survivors of the 13th. His older brother, my Great Grand Uncle, was the Adjutant of the 13th and was at Gettysburg, helping with the flanking of Pickett’s Charge by the 13th and 2 other Vermont Regiments. He later served in the 17th Vermont from the Wilderness through the end of the war. The 13th camped in Northern Virginia at several places before the march to Gettysburg. At Wolf Run Shoals, there are still earthworks visible, they have partially filled in over time.

  16. Robert Grindrod Avatar
    Robert Grindrod

    How can there be a list of best books about Gettysburg that does not include Glenn Tucker’s “High Tide At Gettysburg”? Has this book been lost to this generation? I also have trouble taking seriously any list that includes a fictionalized account, especially one as popular and un-scholarly as Shaara’s.
    A movies and popular sales do not, in my opinion make that book worthy of a place on a list of books about Gettysburg, especially when the listers overlook Tucker.

  17. […] The book was also a selection of the History and Military Book Clubs.  The book also came in at #8 on the Civil War Bloggers list of Top 10 Gettysburg books from several years […]

  18. steve Avatar

    What about the struggle for the bliss barn ? That was a good read

  19. Mark McDowell Avatar
    Mark McDowell

    I own an original copy of “Gettysburg: How The Battle Was Fought” by Captain James T. Long, who in 1890 was a tour guide for visitors to Gettysburg. It is missing its cover, but is filled with great maps and illustrations and has the Federal Army roster and the Army of Northern Virginia roster included.

    Any idea of its value or collectors who’d like to add this to their collection?

  20. David W Avatar
    David W

    You must list “High Tide at Gettysburg” by Glenn Tucker. This book was considered the bible of this south central Pennsylvania battle during the Centennial and was often cited during the 125th anniversary. Why it is not listed here escapes me.

    1. Brett Schulte Avatar


      Thanks for commenting. There are two main reasons why Tucker’s book is not listed here. First, the format asked each blogger to pick their top 10, and only top 10, Gettysburg books. Second, Gettysburg is by far the most written about Civil War battle. The number of new books which came out between the Centennial and the time this list was created is immense, many of which challenge Tucker’s analysis. Given those two factors, it isn’t surprising his book didn’t make the top 10 of any given person. Coddington’s one volume study was much better, in my opinion, and I would assume that most bloggers picked that and Sears’ book rather than Tucker’s.

  21. Bryan P Avatar
    Bryan P

    I have read the Coddington and the Sears books. Both are well written, but Sears is a bit of an easier read overall. I have also read more detailed volumes by Pfanz, Wert, and Martin. Pfanz was a tough read on Day 2. Martin’s book was outstanding!
    In order:
    1. “Gettysburg July 1” by Martin
    2. “Gettysburg” by Sears
    3. “Gettysburg Campaign” by Coddington
    4. “Gettysburg: Culp’s Hill and Cemetery Hill” by Pfanz
    5. “Gettysburg: Day Three” by Wert

  22. John Horn Avatar

    I’ve yet to see a Gettysburg book covering July 2 that doesn’t need updating in light of Newsome, Horn and Selby, eds., Civil War Talks: Further Reminiscences of George S. Bernard & His Fellow Veterans (U. Press of VA, 2012). This book contains detailed accounts of the Gettysburg Campaign by Pvt. George S. Bernard and 1st Lt. William E. Cameron of the 12th Virginia Infantry, Mahone’s brigade, indicating that the brigade did indeed move on July 2 and briefly advanced in support of Pickett on July 3.

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