Author: Dan O’Connell

  • First Battle of Deep Bottom – Part II

    Making Plans With the basic roles of the campaign determined (Grant-offense; Lee-defense) the commanders had to create the means to accomplish their goals. Frustrated by the lack of progress in front of Petersburg, Grant decided to make use of his two brigade bridgehead. He was determined to turn it into a base for a thrust […]

  • The First Battle of Deep Bottom

    Introduction By the third week of June 1864 Union forces were stalemated in front of Petersburg. The promise of an early victory there wasted by the timidity of the commanders and poorly coordinated assaults. Grant, in an effort to disperse the Confederate defenders ordered Butler to seize and hold a bridgehead on the north shore […]

  • From the Engineer Depot – A Civil War Mulberry

    With McClellan’s grand campaign design complete it was time to move up the Virginia peninsula from Fort Monroe towards the Confederate capital of Richmond. After a climactic battle there the rebellion would be crushed. The introduction of a large Army and the logistical means required to support it from the water required careful planning. The […]

  • Arkansas Post – Conclusion

    Conclusion and Assessment The reduction of Arkansas Post was at best a sidelight to the greater operations around Vicksburg. Its success was reasonably assured from the outset given the disparity in the number of forces available to the respective commanders. The Confederates, despite an impressive early showing , had little hope of successfully defending the […]

  • Arkansas Post – Part 9

    Aftermath The decision to surrender the fort was neither discussed amongst the Confederate command group nor universally accepted. At the left end of their line Deshler was appalled when Federal officers approached under a flag of truce to receive his surrender. As BG Steele discussed the matter with Deshler his troops moved out from cover […]

  • Arkansas Post – Part 8

    Day 2 – Assault After a tiresome morning of more preparation the ground forces were finally prepared. Porter was informed that as soon as his fleet opened the assault would begin. At 1300 six of the Union gunboats began pounding the fort. The Union batteries along the line joined in. Across the river Colonel Lindsey, […]

  • Arkansas Post – Part 7

    Day 2 – Forenoon When it became obvious that there would be no assault on the 10th Churchill adjusted his defenses for the attack he expected in the morning. The new Confederate line would anchor its right on the fort and extend westward toward Post Bayou. Inside the fort the sailors were joined by four […]