I Feeel Good! (About Raiding Harpers Ferry)

Lots of bad news all over these days, but I did get a laugh out of this one.

The Associated Press had to issue a correction last month after a story suggested that legendary 20th Century musician James Brown, and not fiery abolitionist John Brown, led a raid on Harpers Ferry just before the Civil War.

I’m not sure that America was ready for James Brown in 1859, or even 1959, but he’d still have been better received than John Brown.

The level of historical learning in this country does seem to be abysmal and getting worse.





One response to “I Feeel Good! (About Raiding Harpers Ferry)”

  1. jackie martin Avatar
    jackie martin

    people today are woefully ignorant about history, which has been very evident in the Confederate monuments debacle, or anyone else even remotely connected to that peculiar institution of slavery. History cannot be sanitized or whitewashed to suit everybody’s whims; it happened and it’s part of us, GOOD AND BAD. Let’s learn from the mistakes instead and carry on in TODAY’S world. Our history shows how this country was born, how it progressed, how it was almost lost and then sustained—-we need all these pieces of the puzzle that now make up this country today, in all its glory. I am thoroughly disgusted with the total lack of knowledge people have regarding THEIR country, their history.

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