Day: September 9, 2005
Fall 2005 Issue of Blue & Gray Available
The Fall 2005 issue of Blue & Gray magazine reached my doorstep this afternoon. As Drew Wagenhoffer points out in his new Civil War Books and Authors blog, the main subject this time around is Falling Waters. I should have a summary of the contents up some time next week. Check out Brett’s list of […]
Wargaming Carolinas Coastal Operations, Part 2
In part 2 of this multi-part post, I’ve collected Coastal Carolinas (and other Coastal Expeditions) wargame scenarios from some of the more well-known Civil War computer games and board games (although I’m lacking in that area), and I provide links or downloads where applicable. Age of Rifles and Campaign Corinth lead the way. If you […]
Secessionville, Part 4
Secessionville: Assault On Charleston by Patrick Brennan Chapter 5 1. This chapter focuses on the preliminary Federal buildup on James Island from June 4-9, 1862. Apparently the heavy rain during this time made the Federal advance proceed slowly. Stevens’ Union Division tried to create more space on Sol Legare and James Islands with daily probes […]