Tag: philip l. secrist

  • The Battle of Resaca: Atlanta Campaign 1864, Part 3

    The Battle of Resaca: Atlanta Campaign 1864 by Philip L. Secrist PART II – Resaca Rediscovered Part II of the book discusses the post-battle state of the Resaca Battlefield. Secrist, a noted relic hunter, describes the positives and negatives which have arisen as a result of that practice, and he also dedicates a chapter to […]

  • The Battle of Resaca: Atlanta Campaign 1864, Part 2

    The Battle of Resaca: Atlanta Campaign 1864 by Philip L. Secrist Chapter 1 – The Plan of Battle 1. Secrist briefly discusses Sherman’s plan of action prior to the Atlanta Campaign. Sherman was looking to win a decisive engagement somewhere south of Rome, Georgia. Johnston’s Army would then disintegrate, leaving the way open to Atlanta […]

  • The Battle of Resaca: Atlanta Campaign 1864, Part 1

    The Battle of Resaca: Atlanta Campaign 1864 by Philip L. Secrist Philip Secrist’s book on the Battle of Resaca is unique. No other books on the Battle exist. That alone makes it valuable, at least until a larger, more definitive monograph is written. Going into this one I don’t know too much about it. The […]