Number 4 (September 2007)

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Americas Civil War, Volume 20, Number 4 (September 2007)
America's Civil War, Volume 20, Number 4 (September 2007)

74 Pages


America’s Bloodiest Day…..26

George McClellan’s lucky find of Robert E. Lee’s Special Orders No. 191 led to a fight near Antietam Creek on what became the bloodiest day in American history-September 17, 1862.

Misery Holds High Carnival…..30

by John H. Nelson

Thousands of men were wounded during the Battle of Antietam.  For the injured, more misery awaited in makeshift field hospitals.

Faces of the Federal Wounded…..40

Photographs sent to loved ones captured soldiers in their prime-before Antietam’s fury took its grisly toll.

Sculpting a Scapegoat…..42

by William Marvel

George McClellan and his apologists spent years repeating half-truths and outright lies to cast Ambrose Burnside as a bungler for not quickly capturing Antietam’s Rohrbach Bridge.

‘Damage Done to My Farm’…..48

by Mannie Gentile

William Roulette’s farm was smack dab in the middle of mayhem on September 17, 1862, and his handwritten list chronicles his awful losses.

‘Young Man, Before 12 O’Clock Tomorrow You Die’…..56

by Steven Meserve

William Ormsby died before a firing squad of Union comrades.  Among his fatal mistakes” riding drunk with Mosby’s men.



Open Fire!…..11

Civil War News and History.

On the Block!…..17

Civil War Memorabilia Sold at Auction.


By Robert W. Menuet

Papers owned by descendants of Union Corporal Barton W. Mitchell confirm his role in finding Special Orders No. 191 on September 13, 1862.

Letter From America’s Civil War…..25

September is America’s cruelest month in history.


1.      Shiloh and the Western Campaign of 1862 by O. Edward Cunningham

2.      Civil War Petersburg: Confederate City in the Crucible of War by A. Wilson Greene

3.      Pennsylvania Civil War Trails: The Guide to Battle Sites, Monuments, Museums, and Towns by Tom Huntington

4.      Lincoln’s Man in Liverpool: Consul Dudley and the Legal Battle to Stop Confederate Warships by Coy F. Cross II

5.      The Words of War: The Civil War Battle Reportage of the new York Times and the Charleston Mercury and What the Historians Say Actually Happened by Donagh Bracken

6.      Beleaguered Winchester: A Virginia Community at War, 1861-1865 by Richard R. Duncan


A bullet-shattered gunstock from the Antietam battlefield.


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