Category: Harris Farm (Campaign Series)

  • “Heavy” Fighting at the Harris Farm, Conclusion

    Tall and Grand Ewell’s attack began on the right, where Rodes entire line charged forward into the area around the Harris residence. The 1st Massachusetts heavy Artillery received the brunt of the attack with assistance from the 2nd New York Heavy Artillery on their left. The massed firepower again proved too much for the attackers. […]

  • “Heavy” Fighting at the Harris Farm, Part 2

    Field Of Battle Preparations for the Confederate move lasted until about 1400. The route selected by Ewell was a wide arc, initially taking his column away from the Union defenses on the Brock Road. To speed the rate of advance and to thwart any Federal advance in his absence Ewell also opted to take along […]

  • “Heavy” Fighting at the Harris Farm, Part 1

    Introduction When U.S. Grant assumed command of all Union forces the nature of combat in the east was significantly changed. Gone was the battle/respite cycle that had predominated during the first three years of the war. When Grant designated the Army of Northern Virginia the objective point for the Army of the Potomac (AoP) he […]