Any Other Civil War Buffs Out There Using StumbleUpon?

As I stumbled Craig Swain’s post about making the April 2011 issue of Civil War Times (congrats Craig), I started thinking about other Civil War buffs out there and whether or not they use StumbleUpon.  I’d like to see what others are stumbling since I will probably be interested.  If you have a StumbleUpon account and you stumble Civil War items, leave your StumbleUpon username in the comments section below.  Mine is bschulte1978.  Let me hear from you and I’ll add you as a friend.






8 responses to “Any Other Civil War Buffs Out There Using StumbleUpon?”

  1. Harry Avatar

    I stumble all my posts. I get zero traffic from so doing.


    1. Brett Schulte Avatar


      🙂 That’s one of the reasons I want to find others who are interested in the Civil War. I’ve read that a ratio of 95% give to 5% receive works best at StumbleUpon. I try to stumble a lot of what I consider good blog entries from the rest of you guys and keep my own to a minimum. But when I stumble others’ work (and rarely my own), I’d like to be able to pass along these stumbles to others who will more than likely be interested and want to stumble them to.

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Brett Schulte, PostRevolutionary. PostRevolutionary said: Civil War – Any Other Civil War Buffs Out There Using StumbleUpon? | TOCWOC … […]

  3. Craig Avatar

    Brett, regarding HMDB, you are welcome. I find it personally fulfilling to provide such a resource.

    Regarding StumbleUpon, I use it on occasion. When a well followed stumbler out there marks a post, I do see site visits increase. But overall, no more so than Twitter or Facebook. I think StumbleUpon’s value is more as a place to survey information within a given topic. But as such it is not as complete compared to true search engines.

  4. Brett Schulte Avatar


    HMDB is a GREAT resource. I only wish I lived closer to Civil War battlefields to put it to in the field use.

    StumbleUpon is a little different than Twitter and Facebook, in my experience. A lot of the people you get from StumbleUpon (90+%) look at your site for 5 seconds and leave. It’s the other 10% or so I’m aiming at. It’s a way to get eyes on your stuff that haven’t seen it in our little community. That’s another reason I stumble other people’s stuff so often. If they find one of you and like what they read, they’ll probably get around to me eventually.

  5. Andy Etman Avatar

    My Stumble is 5thNYCavalry. I’m new to it, so I’m still feeling my way around, trying to figure out how to Stumble my posts.

  6. Brendan Avatar

    My Stumble name is VanishedHand

    So far I haven’t found it to be very helpful when it comes to connecting with other bloggers/readers/archivists/etc with similar interests, but I’m hoping StumbleUpon will become more “intelligent” as it grows and evolves. In the meantime, I’ve found a lot of funny comics, memes, and misc. weird stuff I didn’t even know I was looking for.

  7. Brett Schulte Avatar

    Thanks guys. I’m following both of you now. If you stumble any Civil War or American history materials, feel free to pass them along to me to take a look. I can’t promise I’ll stumble everything you send my way, but if I find an article interesting I definitely will give it a thumbs up.

    Anyone else?

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