Bermuda Hundred

Updated 1/02/06

Eastern ACW Books


Back Door to Richmond: The Bermuda Hundred Campaign, April-June 1864

William Glenn Robertson

Updated 1/02/06 Robertson's study is loaded with excellent maps, and it is apparent that the author took nothing for granted in studying this misunderstood campaign. The author presents an interesting campaign study that includes backgrounds on the leaders, adds in personal vignettes from time to time, and includes detailed tactical studies of the individual battles. Robertson relies mainly on primary sources, including material from many manuscript collections, unit histories, etc. Like any good historian, he throws out hindsight and asks the question, "what did they know and when did they know it?" This leads to some conclusions which differ greatly from the "Battles & Leaders" version of Bermuda Hundred. I had never read a study of this campaign before now, and I feel like I have a stronger grasp of what occurred during this time frame. Morningside Bookshop has also published a book on the campaign by Herbert Schiller, but the hardback copy I desire has been difficult to find at a reasonable price. I hope to eventually own a copy of that book so that I can compare and contrast the conclusions drawn by the two authors.

Read the Review in Brief.

284 pp., 15 maps